Chapter 1. my life changed

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Sapphire pov

I was in my lodge in the middle of the forest getting ready scavenge for ingredients. I grow my own garden but I still needed some thing for medicine and dinner.

I put on my indigo cloak with my black top and blue skirt. tied my purple hair back and my bag. I quickly put a barrier around my lodge and went off.


I was deep in the forest and I was happy on what I found. 5 truffles, 1 jar of maple tree sap, 2 jars of honey, a full bag of black and raspberries and a basket of turkey eggs.

On the way home i was thinking of my father right now. He is a father if the church while my mom and older sister are nuns. When I was 13 I was studying the wicca religion. When I turn 14 I was fully wiccan and told my family. To my surprise, my father said i was a sinner for studying Lucafers dark ways. I told him that it was a religion that respects nature not Satan. He gave me a chose leave and never return or return to Christianity, I told him I was never a Christian and left home for ever. I was also mad that my mom and sister didn't understand me and took my father's side.

I started to tear up a little of what happened 4 years ago. I'm 18 and living on my own but I'm happy for sticking with who I am.

I soon realised I was on unfamiliar territory . There were wolf marking on the trees. I soon heard something. Something running towards me. 4 leg, no 28 leg all together. I took off running as fast as my legs can carry me, I soon as I reach my lodge I ran through the barrier and turn around to see 7 large wolfs growling at me. They can since the barrier so I was safe.

There were 3 silver wolfs 2 brown wolfs 1 white wolfs and 1 black wolf. The black wolf was staring right at me, his green eye never left mine. My body froze, he smelled like chocolate strawberries to me. I soon whispered something that shock me.



Diego pov

Today my brothers Leo, John, Kevin, Jason , Lucas. And D.J. are going for a run to talk about alpha. Dad wants to retire so he can spin time with Mom. Leo is the eldest by 25, John and Kevin are 23, Jason, Lucas and D.J. are 21 and I am 19. I'm the runt of the family but am strong. Leo was bragging ing about his new "mate" Kelly. She was cute and all but a total Barbie if you know what I mean. Since he has a mate now he could become alpha easily , unless one of us find a mate. I mean I love my brother and all but some times he's a jerk, if he becomes alpha he might star getting crazy plus Kelly will start pushing he around.

"Leo you still need mom approvel for Kelly. If she can't trust and or like her you would be losing the fight."

"Kelly my girl man, ma just need to get to know her is all and were in simple."

I pause and sniff the air, lavender and roses fill my nose.

"You guys smell that?"

My brothers sniff the air and growl.

"Someone's trespassing on out tarertory. Lets go!"

Jason growled as we all took off. As we ran we saw a cloak pass the trees as the trespasser runs. We chase her till she pass a barrier. We stop right at i as she turns to face us.

My eyes winded at the beauty in front if me. She had dark blue eyes, purple and black hair with beautiful dark skin. She look fragile but seem to hold her own.

She lock eyes on me and gasp.

"Mate, MINE!"

My wolf howled as she whispers mine to her self. I place my paw on the barrier as my brothers watch in confusion as she place her hand on my paw.

"She your mate bro?"

One of the ask. I nodded as soon as we heard our father howl. We snapped out of it as my mate ran into the lodge. I whimper as she left and ran with my brothers back home.

We saw a hunter on our territory and quickly attack him. He was locked up now and was pissed he was the reason to pull me away from my mate.


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