Chapter 19 Night terrors

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"Mommy! Mommy help us!"

I ran towards Akira voice. My children were taken by someone I didn't know who. They were in the forest crying and screaming. I couldn't find Diego anywhere.


"Akira! Akin! Mai! Where are you?!"

I ran towards the screaming. As I ran through the forest then I stopped. My eyes widened, the whole pack was slaughtered. Blood was everywhere I wanted to puke.


I turn my head to see Diego body cut open and slaughtered. I fell to my knees and started to cry. I looked up to see Akira, Akin and Mai on their stomach laying down in the grown with a gun at the back of your heads. A man was behind them.

"Mom-" 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG '


My babies! My babies! Goddess please no!

"You devil whore. Your baring Satan's child. You will die for your sins."

I didn't know how but I was running holding my baby belly I ran through the forest. I didn't know where I was running to, all I knew was my family was dead an every where I lookedci saw blood and fur.

"Sapphire darling. "

That voice.

"Sapphire I'm here.

No it can be.

"Mommy here for you"

She was wearing a white dress in a large field.

"M-mom? How......"

"There's no time my dear. Listen to me, he is coming for you and Gabriela. He already gotten to me as you can tell. When Gabriela left he lost it."

"You-your dead? No. No this can't be true!"

Protect you family love. I hope you will visit my grave soon"

"Who did this?! Who?!"

"Your father-" 'BANG'

She was shot in the heart and fell on her back. I turn around till the gun when off again.


it hit me in my belly. No...... My unborn child.......please god NO!!

I sink to the grown in mental and physical pain. My babies, my lover, my family were all gone and i couldn't protect them.

I looked up to see the man going to shoot me.




I woke up clutching my chest.

"Sapphire! You ok?!!"

I looked at him and crying in his chest.


"shhhhhh its ok. The baby is fine see?"

He place his hand on my belly with mine and I felt the heart beat. I couldn't stop crying, Diego pull me into his arms an cradle me I sobbed till Akira, Akin and Mai came in worried.

"Mommy we heard you screaming are you okay?"

I held my arms out as the ran into my arms. I hug all three of the tearing up glad their safe.

"Daddy can we sleep here tonight. " he nodded as the crawled into bed. They fell asleep as Diego held me.

'Sapphire, you said he killed us, whose he?

I flinched when he ask, I shook.

"My......My father. The man who shot me a few months ago. He was my father. In my dream he slaughter the pack, gutted you and shot the children in the head. He killed my mother and shot me in the stomach. He called me a sinning whore and I was caring Satan baby."

I heard him growled. I started crying again wondering if Gabriela knew about this. She probably didn't since she ran away. Mom must of died on her place for disobeying him.

"How do you know your mother is dead?"

"She said my father killed her after Gabriela ran away. I guest since both his daughters left to live their life that he snap for not seeing things in life his way."

I looked at Mai and Akira sleep on Akin chest fast asleep.

"He coming for us, he's coming for me and Gabriela. "

"He won't. Leo and I will protect the both of you."

I looked up at him in released he said that I kissed him as he pushes me on the bed holding me close.

"When the kids are gone I'm going to show you how much I love and cherish you."

I closed my eye falling asleep again but this time dreaming about are mating ceremony in the future.

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