Chapter 10 beta, omega and true mate

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Diego pov

I was in the infirmary while Sapphire treated my wounds. I keep telling her I heal quickly but she will not let me out if her site. All though this isn't a bad thing, I have her to my self.

Leo pov

"You want me to make Sapphire the omega?! Why?"

I was with Kelly in my new office setting thing up.

"Love, she may be a wiccan but she is the last one to join our pack. Plus she is the weakess."

"I am planning on making Diego my beta and I know he would never forgive me or never take the task."

"Leo you and I both know it make since and besides the other wolf might already knows she going to be."

"Kelly ,your not the Luna and even if you were you have no right to look down on my baby brother and his mate."

I told Diego through our mind link what she was saying as she pushes me to the chair and started kissing my neck.

"I could be your mate if you just mark me."

Diego told me he was going for a walk with sapphire so watch the boys.

"Were not mates Kelly just sex pals, your just possessive of me not in love."

She started to grind on me moaning a little.

"We'll see soon enough, either way you told you parents I was your mate so you can fight for alpha so best you play along."


Diego pov

"She want me to be the omega? Why?"

I was walking down a path with Sapphire telling her what Leo told me.

"Apparently since you the new member of our pack next to Arin and Akira. Leo also offered me the part of beta."

"Diego that great news! Are you going to take it."

I look down at her. How is she not worried about being omega.

" I don't know actually. If Leo makes me beta and I take it, Kelly will try to make you omega just so the beta can't get any respect."

She stop walking and looked at me. I turned and took both her hands.

"As long as I have you, I could care less about being the beta or omega. "

I pull her into a kiss till I heard rustling in the bushes. I hear crying......from a women. 

"Is...someone there?"

"I know that voice. "

Sapphire said and ran towards the bushes, I ran after her. Their was a women with a suitcase wearing a bright yellow dress. I quickly told Leo we found a women in the forest.


She quickly got up wide eyed.

"S-Sapphire. Your okay."

She started to crying and pulled her into a hug. I was about to growl till.

"I'm so happy I finally found you! I was looking everywhere for you after you left! Father forbid me to but I didn't care! I needed to know you were safe!"

She kept on crying till Sapphire finally hugs her back.

We notice bruises on her arms and legs.

"What did he do to you Gabby?"

She looked down and cover her bruises.

"When he found out I was looking for you. He beat every time I disobeyed  him. One day he told me I was getting married to a man I never met before and I knew he wad going to force to no matter what. I finally decided to run away."

She held her till she calm down.

"Gabriela, my brother is coming to meet you so don't be afraid he is almost here."

She nods and got up with her as I took her bag.

Leo pov

My brother told me that Sapphire sister came to our territory. Kelly was behind me not caring of course as I got closer I change to my human form and got dressed.

What the.......that smell........ Lemon squares? I follow the smell till I found Diego, Sapphire and......

My god. What a beautiful creature.


I muttered and walk up to her and gently took her hand in mine. I kissed it and she blushed.

"I'm Leo."

"G-Gabriela. "

Diego pov

I know that look. So Gabriela his true mate. She looks drawn to him. Kelly was in the background shock and angry. Hell is about to break loose

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