Chapter 9 why we fight

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Diego pov

I lick up her leg to her womanhood. She shuddered a bit but didn't stop me. I lick up in down her womanhood as she gripped my hair in pleasure. Her pants and small moans were turning me on.

"D-Diego...ha...ha...oh Diego...mmmhhh."

I move my tongue faster and deeper into he womanhood as she covered her mouth. I wanted her so bad right now, I want to throw her to the nearest bed and screw her till she paste's out.

"Its too early for this crap?"

I got up to see Kelly staring at us. Sapphire quickly pulled her underware back and went behind me. I sigh as Kelly glare at us.

"Sapphire. Go back to bed, I meet you up their later. "

She nodded and went inside. I glare at Kelly as she smirked at me.

"Why are you butting in on me and my mate?"

"It wouldn't be fun if I didn't. "

"Kelly let put it to you the only way I know how. You need to get over your self about pissing me off because it didn't work before and its not working now."

"If you just went out with me back then and stop lying about being bisexual I would be mated to your brother."

"A. I am bisexual, I had a boyfriend before he found his true mate and we broke up.
B. I never liked you because your a spoil controlling bitch who can't take no for an answer. C. Your not my brothers mate because your only with because he might be alpha, you want to control him when your Luna and because he need someone to love/love him back. Once he find his true mate or you find his you will see what true pain is."

She slaps me and went into the house. I sigh knowing Sapphire was still their.

"How much did you hear?"

She came back out looking at me in sorrow.

"I heard all of it. So Kelly isn't really Leo mate?"

She didn't seem to be upset about being bi.

"No she isn't ,she just using him to anger me but I don't care. When he finds his true mate, she'll under stand life doesn't evolves around her."

Sapphire takes my hand and looks at me. She then place her other hand on my cheek

"And your boyfriend,I didn't break you two up did I?"

I just laugh a little.

"He found his mate a year ago before I met you. We're still close friend though and I hope you like to meet him one day."

I pull her into a kiss and carried her back to our room.

3 Days later

Sapphire pov

We all just moved into the spirit pack and we're all getting to know each other and the rules.
I met the other 3 wiccan, Ruby from the south and wiccan of fire, Amethyst from the north and wiccan of air and Amber of the center and of spirit.
Right now we our working on the packs positions.

There must be 5 alphas, betas and lunas since we our one big pack now but the alphas our making Leo and Diego fight right now. I was sitting with Kelly and Martha as the fight began.

Diego pov

I was in my wolf form with my brother in a ring my father drew on the grown. The pup and children were inside while everyone watched us. Sapphire was watching me clutching her cloak in worry. I gave her a look that I will be fine and she smiled at me.

The fight began .

Leo growls and stocks around me as I stood my grown. He charge at me as u dogged him and attacked his back. He whimper throwing me off. I got back one my feet and charge at him, we rolled around biting one another. He sunk his teeth into my back leg , I try to move away from him but he pins me down and sink his teeth into my shoulder. The more i move the more he sinks in. He was trying to make me give in but I didn't. After about 5 minutes my father called the fight.

"Leo, my son you are now the new alpha. "

I got up looking at my brother kind of happy for him yet worry.

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