This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
Heyoo, guys. I've been away for a bit due to my stupid medical condition. The neurologist told me that I wasn't allowed to go back to school this semester, so I get more tests done. Gotta figure out what the hell is wrong with meee! XD
Finally got a sketch done since I felt up to it. Here's a shitty sketch of my new character, Thya.
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She can control, sense, speak, and hear dragons and is immune to any type of fire or scorching objects of the like. Lemme get her cs up for ya (well mostly for me so I don't lose it). Haha.
Character Sheet: Name: Thya Maylthiis Ironblood (Pronoucned: Thee-ah May-eel-the-I-ss)
Age: 19 (Birthday is during the first sight of a full snowfall.)
House: Kingdom of the Ironbloods.
Personality: Thya is a very adventurous young lady. She often stands up for what she believes in, though she appears to look down on herself, always beleieveing that she is never good enough for anyone. She is too innocent, humble, and naive-- Too naive for the bloodshed, war crazy world around her. Despite not knowing how to fight, Thya can be quite determined when her friends need her aid and she would gladly sacrifice herself for them. She is very kind to those around her, and perhaps too forgiving. Always giving second or third chances when poeple do not deserve it.
Likes: Food, freedom, discovering and learning new things, reading, the snow, water, animals, singing, etc.
Dislikes: Slavery, sour foods, not knowing, being afraid, her brother, being in the sun for too long, liers, stealers, back stabbers, killing, wars, blood, etc.
Strengths: Thya is very forgiving, kind, gentle, loyal to her friends, and will risk her life for them. She learns quickly. Runs fast and is quick and agile in general. She can go without eating for quite a few days. She is quite the persuasive lady when need be. Thinks on her toes. She uses her wits to make up for her lack of strength. For her lack of self-esteem, she sure can stand up for herself when need be. Speaks her mind, but uses manners. She is immune to fire, or being burnt in any form or fashion.
Weaknesses: She isn't very strong. She has low self-esteem. She is naive and very innocent to the harsh world around her. She doesn't know how to deal with most negative emotions. She doesn't know how to dance or fight.
Bio: When she was younger, she had a rather adventurousspirit, always getting into trouble for sneaking away off the castle grounds or her room to go look at the nearby town. She never understood why her parents got upset with her-- the town speople were very kind and often gave her sweet treats. Some of the men, mostly disabled guards, travellers, or hunters would tell her tales of their adventures outside the castle city's walls, to the place beyond. She had learned that there were meant other types and races of people and creatures, and how there was a great wall surrounding the lands that all the kingdoms lay upon. Each night before bed, the two would take turns being the one who had the dragon's blood in their veins, pretended that their bed and cushion's pillows were their mighty dragons.
She and her brother would often play in the fields after classes were over and would wait for their father to return so that he could tell them sotires of old, about the dragon's that lived three hundred years ago. As they got older, their games were put to a stop and they were forced to move into separate bedrooms and she learned the ways to be a proper lady. Though, Thya would often daydream about leaving the castle to see the different lands that lay beyond the castle walls that secluded her from the world around her. It was on the fourth night that her parents had left on an official business trip that she had tripped over a ruffle in the rug, getting her foot caught, that she fell literally face first into the flames of the lit fireplace. The strange thing was, was that she wasn't in any pain, and Thya quickly psuehd herself out of the flames, and quickly stopped the fire from spreading on her dress. She had looked back at her brother, both had mirrored their emotions: utterly shocked and terrified. It was the next day when her brother had shoved and locked her within her room, not allowing her to come out until nearly a week later. He told her the news of her being sold off to some clan leader and how their parents had decreed it.
Appearance: Thya stands at a height of 5"7 ans weighs one hundred and twenty-two pounds. Her long hair, which ends near the the inward curve her hips and spine create, is literally white as snow. Her skin is a very, very pale pink, possibly close to white as well, and her lips are a shade darker than her skin. Her long lashes and thin brows are the same color as her hair and can surprisingly be seen with the small amount of contrast her skin allows. Her teeth are white and surprisingly straightened to perfection. Her long, white lashes protect her crystal blue eyes from the sun's rays and they will often seem to glow of a source of light shines on them during the night hours. Her overall body structure is lean, a bit thin, and magestic in a way. Her face has the hint of a circular shape, though still mostly has the squarish outline to it. Her hands and feet hold long fingers and toes, and the nails ends right where the slightly darker shade of pink skin lies beneath them.
So! Besides being able to read, write, draw, and actually see in front of me today, I also got my hair dyed blue again! Oh, man, how I missed my hair being blue. The brown was just...so boring and it really really depressed me. Made me think of my past a lot. Ew. BUT NOW I'M BACK TO BEING MEEEE! WOOOHOOOOO!