This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
Third contest entry. I need to get my second one done. Lols... XD Anywho, this is yet again of Myaa and it is a digital piece.
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Title: Finding A Way
Theme: Make an art piece based off of some lyrics from a song that meant something to me.
Character: Myaa is a very dear character of mine--well, she is the character who is basically me as a person. Out of all my original characters, she is the closest thing to me.
Song Chosen: The song I chose was Pure Feeling by Florence and The Machine.
Lyrics For What The Story Behind This Piece Means:
Just about every single piece I do with Myaa, I use this song. With her, this song explains how she survived through her kidnapping, all the testing done one her by scientists to see what power(s) she had, and how she was not as scared as she had been as the months went by. It explains how she grew up, so to speak.
I'm this art piece, Myaa is separated from her parents and her dog, and she is ready to face whatever comes her way.
Lyrics For What Personally Means To Me:
Again, this song is the same as it is with Myaa; about growing up and getting a backbone to speak my mind. To not be forever stuck in the past and brace the what the future throws at me. I used to have super long hair, I pretended like everything was okay, was a people pleaser ect. About halfway through the year after I turned eighteen, I was finally ready to do whatever the hell I wanted. I cut my hair super short and by god, I colored it blue, also. I hated my hair being down to where it reached the middle of my back, I hated not speaking my mind and telling people what for, and I really hated always doing stuff for others who never respected me or did anything for me in return. So now I curse like a blushing sailor, I draw whatever I want, I sleep in & take naps whenever I want to, and I eat cookies with milk whenever I want to! Haha.
Even though I have grown a bit in maturity, I will still always grow and learn knew things about myself.
That's the true reason why I love this song so much because that's the message I get from it;
How I became the true me and how I will still learn things about myself.
*Stop! Do NOT steal, use, or replicate my works of art without my prior permission! Thank you.*