This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
I domt have any Inktober for today. ...Yet! BUT! I do have an old piece I did a long while back and it's one of my favorite digital art pieces! X3
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Title: "Yellow."
This is of a scene in one of my favorite roleplays, OwningThe Prince. The roleplay title and the male character with yellow eyes do not belong to me, they belong to Nymphrodite!! Only the artwork and the girl in the right side belongs to me! If Nymphrodite sees this and wishes me to delete the work from here, I shall! :3
I sadly couldn't find the one with his lip piercings. T>T
Anyways, I'm about to leave the condiments of my house and head to the grocery store, and possibly Hobby Lobby! I really need new markers and pens because all of mine are running outta ink! Hopefully my parents will drive there if I ask them to... They are happy that I'm finally getting out of the house and going somewheres besides to a doctor, specialist, or PT! Haha. TvT
ALSO IT'S FINALLY COLD OUTSIDE!! GOD FREAKIMG FINALLY! It was burning up two days ago and now it's finally cold. A little late in season, but still!! It's supposed to snow either today or tomorrow, or somewhere in the next few days. That's a little nuts, but I'm done with it since it rarely snows where I live. XD