This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
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1) My hair used to be as long as my waist. I got tired of it and decided to chop it all off because I wanted to! I now have short, blue hair. The top part is blue (It's been bleached before colouring) and the bottom is my natural colour (though this past time, my hairdresser added the blue colour on top of my brown). Never going back to natural hair colour unless I'm old and I have grey, silver, and/or white hair. XD
2) I was born prematurely at 25 weeks. I weighed one pound and 11 ounces, and was about 11 inches long. My dad could fit his wedding band (ring) all the way up right below my shoulder. (I've seen pictures of myself as a baby and I swear, I look like a very hairy, very very wrinkly out man. I was tiny!!) (Also apparently I died when I was born, but I came back to life. ...I'm still trying to decide if I believe that or not. Haha.)
3) I stay freezing cold, fatigued (very very very very tired), and sick pretty much all the time. Most likely due to #2. Like, no joke, you might catch me wearing a coat in 90° weather!! XD [Also I'm like skin and bones. No matter how much I eat, I hardly gain weight. I was so happy when I finally reached 100 pounds in sophomore year of high school cause I had stayed 70 pounds, or less, for years.]
4) I am a very picky eater. Mostly because of my sensory issues (again due to being born prematurely). So, depending on the food, most of the time I don't like the texture of them. Sometimes it's the taste. For example, I will only eat corn if it is on the cob-- I can't deal with it being from the can or in its mushy form. Blech! >X{
5) I have stage fright. I used to dance (ballet/jazz/tap/etc) & perform acting on stage, sing in the choir/at church/and perform on stage, and I had my Zumba instructor license when I turned 16 (I quit that shit real fast)... I don't do that anymore because I freak out a bit when I am asked to do something in front of a big crowd. Hell, if just one person asks me to sing in front of them, I most likely will not do it due to being embarrassed. (This is also probably why I won't make a YouTube account...)
6) I'm a mixture of an introvert and extrovert. When people first meet me, I will probably not talk much unless they get me started talking on something I enjoy or might be into. Once I get over those few, agonizing minutes of deciding whether or not I like someone, then I will most likely talk their heads off. Though at the same time, once I've made friends, you'll probably see me drawing or reading around them a shit ton-- I might tlak every once and a while.
7) I freaking despise bullying of any kind. I don't give a shit if somebody thinks they're better than someone else, or if they think somebody's sexuality or skin colour or religion is "wrong", or "sickening," or "disgusting...!" Don't try to tell me that "God thinks it's wrong," or how they might be going to Hell for it. I am a Christain and I don't give a shit how somebody lives their life (if they aren't not harming themselves). That's the great thing about being an individual-- It's their own damn business and none of someone else's. To me, God loves everybody for who they are and doesn't care how they look or who they love. I have plenty of friends who have different skin colours, different religions, and sexualities than I and you don't see me judging them based off that!
...Got a little carried away there. I honestly got pissed just writing for that number. Haha. CX
8) I've never had a boyfriend. At the age of 20 and I've never had a boyfriend because I honestly don't want one right now (Also because I have not found someone I think is worth it, or who interests me in that way). I'm too busy still trying to find out who I am and I wanna get through college and live life a little before I go into the whole dating thing. Yet, when poeple ask me about their love life, I apparently know how to tell them what they need to hear--apparently I give great dating advise. *shrugs* Idunno. Haha.
9) I hate crying. I seriously hate crying because... I think it makes me weak. At funerals you won't catch me crying (I somehow find a way to laugh while attending them) along with while I'm at weddings. The only time I cry is when I'm super pissed off, or if I have a break down from all my bottled up emotions.
10) I friggin' love doing art, playing videogames, watching movies and television shows (I honestly don't watch much TV unless Bones or Luciferis on...), reading and writing fanfictions, reading and writing books of any kind, roleplaying, and spending time with my family and friends (I don't usually hang out with my friends alot because I'm worn out by the end of the day Haha).
[Extra] 11) I can sense and see ghosts. A lot of times, I've just seen my Grand-Daddy (he died 2 weeks before I was born) pretty all my life. I tried talking to him when I was a small child, whilst bouncing in my bouncy chair facing the wall. At achool there were quite a few, but I couldn't see what they looked like-- just their aura colour, shadow, or feel their feelings if they were close by.
[Extra] 12) Also, I have dreams about bad things that happen to people wether they are right before or a day/few days before it happens to them. These nightmare or dreams usually involve rape, kidnapping, or me being killed and I find out the next day on the news, or by a close friend/family member that it happened to some stranger or someone they new. It sucks that I can't help the person out or warn them about the shit that'll happen to them. T>T
Tagging: ...Meh. I don't really feel like tagging. Too tired. You guys do this if ya wanna. I'm headed to bed. Good night and I hope you like this 10 (12) Facts About Me!! Talk to yas tomorrow~! 😘