This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
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The downed man wheezed as one of his hands held his bleeding side. His peppered coloured hair was disheveled and he begun to grow a beard. Blood stopped from Johnathan Haze's lips as well as from a gash somewhere on his head, and his flaming green eyes glared up at his enemy. Kris had been in his way for far too long and he had enough power to do something not even she could stop.
He watched as she approached and a chilling chuckle came from him as he smiled an eery smile when he straightened his back. She stopped a few moments in her advanced, unsure of what the madman was planning to do. "I now have enough power..." He began, his voice deep, raspy, and confident and an email gleem caught his eye, "To finally kill you omce and for all. Goodbye, Kris."
He spat her name at her and he quickly turned and began to run in the opposite direction from her. He only took a few steps before the older woman knew what he was going to do and she began to dash as fast as she could towards him. His body slowly lit up as he pressed a button on the small device on his belt and he dissapeared from sight as she had jumped and attampeted to grab him. She was too late and she landed on the boiling hot, iron ground below her.
He appeared exactly where he wanted to; in front of a dark red house that had an upstairs and plenty of rooms and windows. He smirked darkly up at the top of the house, spotting one light that was on, and sniffed as he roughly wiped the blood from his mouth and chin. Haze walked to the front door and knocked loudly three times on the oak wood surface.
He only had to wait a few moments before the door was slowly pulled opened by a young woman he knew all to well. Kris must've been eighteen or nineteen years old, her almond shaped, blue orbs still shown with innocence and she hadn't even met the horrid, evil nature of the world yet. Her blonde hair was shoulder length then and was pulled up in a very messy, low pony tail. She hadn't even changed into her pajamas yet, possibly due to working on her college homework. Haze's eyes did a once over her small frame, already coming to the conclusion that he would most definitely win the fight soon to come. She didn't even have half as much muscle as she did when she was older. The thought brought a sudden smirk to his lips. The young woman's attire consisted of a black, underarmour, short sleeved T-shirt, a dark red, leather jacket that had no sleeves, blue jeans, white socks, and a silly charmed bracelet around her left wrist.
After Kris had opened the door, the blood drained from her face at seeing of what a shockingly poor state the police lieutenant was in. She had just had dinner with him and her family two weeks ago for her birthday. Her mouth dropped open a few seconds before she quickly recollected herself and she spoke,
"Lieutenant Johnothan..! Are you alright? What-What happened to you? Did you get mugged while walking off duty?"