This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
So, the a few days ago, I stayed at my aunt's house and I took my PS2 over. Me and my little cousins (one of them is the cousin I've been helping with his book) played Kingdom Hearts 2.
Since I was doing so well today, being able to walk straight and stuff well, I felt like drawing. ...I just woke up reeeeaaaaally late, around 1 pm, and I had to go to the doc around 2:30. Anyways, since the doc was SUPER busy, we got to wait in the waiting for forever and I brought my drawing supplies with me since I knew he would be pretty busy 'cause the kids have been getting really sick and everything with the nearby school.
I decided to draw, from memory, Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I was listening to My Sanctuaryanyway, so I was like, why not? I thought it would be challenging and cool to use just colored pencils so I couldn't use an eraser, ya? It turned out pretty well, I think. ...I noticed too late that his eyes are crooked as hell, but oh well. Gotta mess up sometimes, right? Haha.
The colors I used were the primary colors, yellow, blue, and red (in that order, too). XD
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I thought about doing a piece in memory of the events of 9/11... but it just makes me too sad to think about. T>T When I was younger, I started a comic based on 9/11 and now that I think about it, I'm almost like why would I wanna make something that'll probably make people sad?? So I'm kinda glad I don't know where that comic is.
Anyways, thanks guys! Have an awesome evening. I'm gonna either draw some more or play some more Final Fantasy X...!
Also, I'm thinking about asking you guys to throw random art ideas at me. What should I draw?? :3