This book is where I'll post some random art and where I'll put/enter my art for art contests.
Don't steal my art. My art is precious to me. T>T
Like seriously don't do it.
Thanks and enjoy! ;)
Heyoo. So I decided to try out using some of the newish materials I got for free while I attended a 3 hour watercolor tutorial class last year.
The first is a pigment marker (I got 3 markers total [blue, yellow, & a blender]) and the other is a watercolor stick (I only got one)-- It's basically like a pastel stick, but a watercolor version. I don't really like the markers because they leak--literally. Right out of each end (There's a large and small end). Like they're trying to pee and they let out a fart bubble (cause bubbles start to form before they start leaking). I tried shaking them before even using them and it didn't work. Oh well. Haha.
Pigment Marker:
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Watercolor Stick:
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Old markers I used when I was little:
I drew this with a continuous line with the tan color and over it with the lightest purple I had.
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My_Name_Is_JM I can't help but think of you because my scribbles and watercolor look like jellyfish. XD
Anywho, I got stuck at the doc's office from 1:35 till 5:47 this evening. There were SO many crying and yelling small humans. It was awful. I don't like loud noises because of my sensory issues and I have no clue how to deal with small humans. I'm like a full grown cat meeting puppies when I am around them. O>O
The doc said that I've got severe bronchitis. Again. Isn't that great? Guess I'm gonna try to get off my ass and walk around even though I'm running into shit almost 24-7. Woo...!
I might try to draw Alien-chan sometime since I watched Aliens last night. I'm sad cause my Alien movie won't work with my TV. It gets all glitcht and I've only watched it three times since I've had it (for like 5 or 6 years lolz).
I'm also excited cause my birthday will be coming up in Oct. I'm gonna try to see if I can have a get together at Longhorn. *drools* The coooooorrrnnnn is sooooooo goooooooddddd....! *wipes drool from mouth* CX