Christian Borle x Reader

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I'm standing outside of the Lunt-Fontanne theater, looking at the signs. I can't believe how far Christian has come. We used to be best friends from preschool to the end of highschool when we lived in Pennsylvania. We were inseparable, that is until we had to go to college. He wanted to do musical theater, I wanted to become a comic book artist. We haven't been in touch since, and it's been almost 10 years since I've talked to him. I just sit outside the theater and look through my contacts, hoping to see his name in there, but knowing that it's not. I've been passing by the theater every day since the show opened, and it never gets old. The decorations on the outside always make me giddy. I've wanted to see the musical for some time, but I really just want to see Christian. I look at my watch and see that it's only 11 in the morning. I take out my letter to Christian and look at it. Inside there's a note to him and an old picture that I drew of him from when we were in middle school, and now a new picture of him as Willy Wonka. I quickly write my number and email down and slip it inside the envelope. I seal it and stand at the stage door for a couple minutes before I build up the courage to knock on the door and give the letter to the man at the door. He smiles and says he'll leave it in his mailbox.

"I'm guessing you're a fan of Christian's?"

"You can say that. I'm more of a long lost friend back from Pennsylvania. I want to see if I can get in touch with him again. It's worth a try."

"Well I'll make sure to tell him for you. What's your name?"


"Alright, I'll tell him to check that one first."

"Thank you so much. Have a good day!"

"You too!"

I walk down 46th street and walk a few blocks down and find myself at Midtown Comics. I begin to look around, trying to find the Spiderman-Deadpool comics. I can't find them, so I look around and find someone who looks like they work at the store. I walk up to them.

"Um, excuse me, could you help me?"

"I don't work here, but I'm sure I could help."

"Oh, um, do you know where I can find the Spiderman-Deadpool comics?"

"Yeah, they're upstairs, follow me."

I followed the man upstairs and he showed me where the comics were. I looked and found the the first few issues, and thanked him.

"Thanks. How did you know where they were if you don't work here?"

"I come here a few times a week before work, so I know this place really well."

"That's cool. What were you here for today?"

"Well, nothing new came out, but I was looking for another series to read. Is that one good? I'm more of a DC person, but I want to try something new."

"Actually, I haven't read them yet. My friend recommended them for me and I wanted to try it out."

"Well, how about I buy them too and we can meet up sometime soon to see what we think?"

"Sounds good to me! When do you want to meet up?"

"How about Saturday, same time?"

"Yeah, that's good. Well it was nice meeting you!"

"You too . . . Um, I didn't catch your name."

"It's (nickname)"

"I'm Chris. Nice to meet you. I actually have to run. Same time on Saturday, right? In this exact spot so we won't get confused?"

"Yep! See you soon, and thank you again!"

He waved and ran out of the store, with the same comics that I am about to buy. He was very nice. He was a sort of familiar to me, but I'm not sure how I know him. I bought my comics and headed home to read the comics.

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