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First off, I want to apologize for not posting. Junior year had been incredibly stressful with school stuff, my music stuff, my job, but mostly my social life. This year has been a complete mess for me socially. In the beginning of the school year I tried talking to some more people and becoming a little more open. I had a boyfriend, I talked to more people, I joined some new bands and school was going well. All of the sudden, in the beginning of November, everything began to crash and burn. My boyfriend and I were only together for 3 weeks and we decided it was best for us to stay friends, but then he hasn't talked to me since, the new people who I let into my life now don't trust me and think that I'm a lier and a terrible person because of false rumors being spread about me. And so because of this, I've went back into my shell and I'm having an extremely hard time coping with all of this. I know it's a little late, but all of this really started affecting me in the new year and I'm not sure why. And now, since I've only been talking to about 5 people, I begin to worry about their emotional state and I always want to make sure that everyone is as happy as they can be. I want to spread positivity, but as I'm trying to do this, I'm draining my own positivity and happiness. So throughout this whole month, I've been mourning over past friends and relationships, and on top of that I have a couple of very sick family members which is also making me worry a lot. Usually writing these oneshots make me pretty happy and tend to relieve stress. But I've been trying to write and every time I try, I just get very upset because for some reason. It just reminds me of things that caused my carefree, positive vibes to vanish. I know this a lot of people stop writing because of stuff like this, but I don't want to stop. I used to enjoy this so much and I would like to continue because Broadway has now entered my life and I have gotten some incredible opportunities and have met many actors and musicians on Broadway. They all helped me to grow as a musician and as a person. But I need to find a way to bring my emotional state to a somewhat better place. Right now, I can't even talk or relate to people my age. So I've been hanging out with lots of adults. I can't talk to people my age because of the way that they turn on each other and how immature they can be. I know some of you guys have given me requests and I'm very thankful for that because I was running out of ideas. I will try to post as soon as I can. I hope you all have a great day

- Catherine

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