10. Jeez Louise. It's Just A Word.

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"Hey," she squeals, reading from my phone.

I roll my eyes, "Jeez Louise. It's just a word."

"She'll never learn will she?" Clove asks, shaking her head.

"No she won't," he says, also shaking his head.

"Oh shut up!" I say, grabbing the phone from Clove's viselike grip.

I send Hey.

"You just sent 'Hey'?!?" Clove questions.

"But one second ago it was such a big deal," I say, pointing out her habit to contradict herself continuously.

"Touché," she says, nodding her head as a ding comes from my phone.

Danny Boy: wassup?

Alex: nothing much, just Clove and Robbie freaking out over you😂

Danny Boy: who's Robbie?

Alex: one of my friends

Danny Boy: cool, wanna meet up sometime

Alex: I have school mister!

Danny Boy: oh yeah

Alex: she didn't mean that!!! 😩

Danny Boy: Clove?

Alex: that's me!

I struggle to grab my phone from Clove's hands.

"Gimme gimme!!" I shout as Robbie pushes me back.

"No! You fucked it up, now it's in my hands," she says with an evil laugh, typing furiously.

"But I do have school!!" I whine.

"Yeah, but I haven't met him yet," Robbie points out, causing me to stop fighting.

"Oh yeah, sorry Robbie," I mutter.

"It's fine, Clove's fixing it," Robbie says with a chuckle.

"We're meeting them tomorrow!" She says triumphantly.

"Okay," I say.

"He wants to FaceTime," Clove asks, a smirk growing on her face.

She starts the FaceTime and points the camera at me.

"Hey Daniel," I say unhappily.

"Nope, it's Jack," Jack says between heavy pants.

Clove's eyes widen in alarm as she switches the camera so it has her face in it.

"Hey Jack," she says sweetly.

"Hey Clove. Daniel's a fast runner I'm gonna stop now," he says and the quick footfall sounds coming from the phone stop.

"What'd you do?!" Someone shouts, causing us to laugh.

"I just FaceTime them," Jack whimpers.

"Oh okay," Daniel says happily. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Daniel!" We chorus, Robbie holding the phone.

"Are you Robbie?" He asks.

"Yup, I'm the only thing stopping these two from ripping each other apart," he says.

Clove share a glance and tackle him, shouting incoherently about how important he actually is.

Sometime during our battle, the call is disconnected so I'm not able to say anything to him.

"Awww," I whine.

"It's okay Alex. You can talk to your boyfriend tomorrow," Robbie teases.

I throw a pillow at him while glaring daggers into him.

"It's on little lady!" He shouts, grabbing another pillow and initiating another pillow fight.

Sorry for the quick filler chapter, but it's setting things up ❤️ thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Love y'alls ❤️❤️❤️

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