A place to stay

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(Ur name) P.O.V
We walk to a house ( which was across the road) it was nice. We walk in and Rick introduce me to a man and a women called Beth and Jerry. Beth was nice, she gave me a hug but jerry just looked at me weirdly but I just ignored him.
Rick showed me to my room while morty went into his, it wasn't small and it wasn't huge, my room was kinda in he middle. It had a wardrobe a big double bed and a little wooden desk. I put my stuff on the bed and just stood there looking around. It was quiet rick just stood there at the door watching me, I wander what he's thinking...

Ricks P.O.V
I take (ur name) to her room, all I could think about is how beautiful she is. She enters the guest room and put her stuff on the bed then just looked around. The next thing u know we were standing there in silents, I finally broke the silence "s-so do you *burps* like your room?" She smiled and nodded, I left the room to let her unpack and entered my room. I closed the door and started freaking out, butterflies were in my stomach, I started blushing just thinking about her, she's so hot.

Time skip

I walk into (ur name)'s room and accidentally walk in on her getting changed. We both just stared at each other, shocked. Our faces went bright red, "d-d-dinners r-ready," I say breaking the awkward silents. Then I close the door.
Still blushing like crazy I walk down stairs and sit at the dinner table, all I could think about was her. I started to dig in to my dinner when (ur name) walked down the stairs wearing ( ur fave outfit) she looked so cute, I started to blush even harder.

Time skip

(Ur name) P.O.V
It was the next morning, u haven't spoken to rick since he walked in on me. I Laid in my bed on my phone scrolling through Facebook until a girl with orange hair walked in my room. I've never seen her before at the house "hey, my name is summer, grandpa Rick want you to go into his garage," she explained.
I get up walk downstairs and into the garage to see Rick working on an invention. "(Ur name) *burps* hi, I wanted to ask if you would like to go out and spend the day with me," he says blushing. I was thinking in my head for a second and wondered I it's a date.
"Where would we go?" I asked.
"Oh I-I thought we *burps* could go to b-blitz and chitz and *burps* after that we-we can go get ice cream," he replied. I accepted, he grabbed his portal gun and we hopped in.

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