Chap 2

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So this is the second chapter let me know what you think

Thanx England360

I spring upright on my blankets, my eyes snapping open, breath coming out in hard pants. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I try to slow my breathing as I slowly lower myself back down trying to ignore the pain shooting through my body.

I lie back listening to everything around me trying to figure out what woke me so abruptly. There’s no one in the room with me so it’s not that, it’s become sort of a defense mechanism since they brought me here the door only has to open a bare inch and I’m wide awake.

That’s when I hear it, running footsteps and shouting. How could I have missed that? I ask myself.

The shouting gets louder then I hear glass shattering followed by loud thuds if I had to guess I would say someone or something just came crashing through the windows, that’s when the screaming started, the blood freezing, ripping flesh from bones type of screaming, I can’t take listening to it so I grip my hands over my ears and squeeze my eyes shut, but no matter how hard I press my hands over my ears I can still hear everything, blood spilling, flesh tearing, bones breaking, its time like this I curse my shifter scenes.

After an immeasurable amount of time everything stops no wind down or fading it all just stops. An eerie quiet settles over the house but I was too petrified to let the breath out I was holding.

I figure there are three outcomes to this situation

Number1 the hunters won and survived whatever just happened which means I’m still stuck in this hell.

Number2 Who ever just attacked the hunters won which means I could end up with someone worse.

Number3 Everyone was dead and I’m stuck down hear with no one to feed me or let me out.

I could try to get out of this room, believe me I have many times, but do you have any idea how difficult it is to get out of a steal door with no handle and the locks on the other side. Impossible that’s what it is.

My mind flashes back to the first time I tried to escape.


I was sitting on an old quilt that I found in the corner when the door bangs open and the light flickers on. I look up the stairs to see one of the hunters walking down; it was the one that held me down while I watched them kill my mom. I glare at him as he makes his way over to me. My eyes flicker over his shoulder to see he has left the door open. I quickly look back at him before he notices what I’m looking at. I slowly start to slide my hand under the blanket looking for the rock I found when I first woke up down here, it’s not very big but it fits just right in the palm of my hand and is full of jagged edges. My hand finally makes contact with cold rough surface as the guy leans down to throw me a stale sandwich and a bruised apple. I rap my fingers around my way out of this place just as the guy starts to speak.

“You are lucky you’re getting this if I had my way you would be dead along wi…….”

I didn’t give him chance to finish what he was saying I just brought my hand out from under the blanket as quick as I could and hit the guy around the head right on his temple.

I hear a grunt but I don’t bother looking as I scramble over to the stairs. I get to the bottom then run up them as fast as I can I don’t bother looking back I need to focus on getting out of here. I crash through the door and frantically look around, in the back of my mind I realize I’m in some sort of a kitchen but I don’t pay the room any attention as my eyes land on what appears to be a back door.


I run over to the door and just as my hand lands on the door knob someone pulls me back by my hair. I let out a scream as I’m dragged back down the basement by my hair. I look up to see that it’s the guy who killed my mother.

I let out a whimper as he throws me into the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I slowly lift my head as he walks over to the other guy who I hit over the head and kicks at his legs, that’s when I notice the blood, it’s all over his temple and running down the side of his face. The guy grunts then slowly sits up looking around the basement in a daze. First his eyes land on the other guy then my lying on the floor. I shudder at the deathly glare he is sending my way.


The guy spits then stands up and walks over to me.

The guy grabs me by my hair and lifts me up to his height my hands fly to his wrist trying to loosen some of the pressure. He pulls back his fist and I know what’s going to happen before his fist makes contact with my temple. Blinding pain shoots through my head as my vision fades in and out.

He throws me back to the floor and a foot connects hard to my side and I feel something snap. I curl up into a ball and try to get air into my lungs.

“You’re lucky I have some were to be” he sneers at me and the two men make their way to the stairs. Just before he goes back through the door he turns around and smirks at me.

“But don’t worry we have plenty of time to get to know each other”

I shudder at what he said as the door slams shut and I’m left in darkness again.

End of flashback

I’m brought out of my memories by the light flickering on. I wince and cover my eyes with one hand, it might only be one dull flickering light bulb but I spend so much time in the dark that even the pathetic light bulb huts my eyes.

Heavy footsteps start to slowly make their way down the old rickety wooden staircase; I sit up push back into the corner ad pull my knees to my chest ignoring the pain going through my body.

I sit there rapidly blinking my eyes trying to focus them when I notice the footsteps have stopped and I’m no longer alone.

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