Chap 11

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So here is chap 11 please let me know what you think good, bad awful.  I’ve only got one constant fan who comments on every chap thank you layna2u you keep me updating so this is dedicated to you. But it would be nice to know what other people think.

Thank you for reading


Chap 11

A week. That’s how long it’s been since I found out they lied to me and I’m still so angry with them. I get that they were trying to protect me I really do, but I just can’t seem to get past it. I avoid them as much as possible only seeing them at meal times. I’ve pretty much locked myself in my room only coming out to prepare meals for the guys. Some things got to give soon though. The tension keeps building and building and it’s not fair on the others either. Every ones suffering. I mean Nathan and Sam haven’t even had one argument.

“AAHHHH” I let out a huge yawn as I try to make sandwiches for lunch. The house is pretty quiet again which seems to be the norm at the minute.

Nathans and Sam are out running patrol and Drew and Ethan are around the cabin somewhere. I just haven’t seen them.

“AAHHHH” I yawn again while trying to pile the sandwiches up on a large plate.

“That’s the fifth time since you came in hear” Seth comments from over at the table never looking up from his book. He was already in hear reading when I came down to make lunch.

“Sorry, I didn’t have a very good night” That was only partly a lie. I haven’t had a goodnights sleep in a week. The first three nights I had nightmares of max coming back and killing everyone. The other four I have been so scared of seeing that again I haven’t slept. I’ve kept myself busy by reading or watching TV. The best way I have found of staying awake so far is by doing laundry. I have done so much there is not one item of dirty clothing in the whole cabin.

Seth just scoffs at me never taking his attention away from his book. I sigh and take the plate of sandwiches over to the table

“Will you let the others know lunch is ready please” I ask him as I start to clean up. I want to clean up and go back to my room before Ethan and Drew get here

“Nope” I know what his doing but it’s not going to work

“Fine they can go stale” I sigh and turn to leave the kitchen

“Hold up” Seth calls

“What” I ask not turning to look at him

“Would you like to go for a walk?”

A walk as in go outside?

Leave the cabin?

I turn back around and look at him

“I’m not sure” I say hesitantly

“Come on it will be good for you” Seth tries to persuade me

“You haven’t been outside since the trip to the mall” He has a point my leopard has been chomping at the bit to go for a run hell to just get out of the cabin.

Seth sighs and stands up

“Look we won’t go far just around the cabin” I probably could use the exercise DR Jones did say to exercise a little each day. And I’ll be with Seth he will keep me safe.

“Ok” I nod my head

“Good, wait here while I get my shoes” Seth leaves the kitchen in search of said shoes

I walk over to the kitchen window to check the weather its spring time so it’s warm enough we won’t need jackets

“It looks like a nice day so we won’t need jackets” I say without turning around as I hear Seth come back into the kitchen

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