Chap 12

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So hear is chap 12 let me know what you think

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Chap 12

"Ethan" I call out as I tap on his bedroom door. After five minutes of getting no reply I slowly push open the door.

"Ethan" I say again quietly as I step into the room and close the door behind me. I look around after getting no reply. Ethan's room is smaller than mine but still a decent size he has a queen size bed against one wall and dark wood bedroom furniture, he also has a large bay window like the ones down stairs which is where Ethan is standing staring of into the distance as if his in a whole world of his own.

I slowly walk over to him and place my hand on his arm


"Mmmm" Ethan answers but doesn't turn around "Did you have a nice walk?" Ok now I'm getting worried this isn't like Ethan at all he is acting so lost and downtrodden.

"Yeah it was nice" I reply "Ethan are you ok?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He says in in a numb voice

"You just don't seem like yourself"

"Maybe that's a good thing" He mutters under his breath but I still manage to hear him.

"What's that supposed to mean" Why would Ethan want to change he might annoy me sometimes being so overprotective but I wouldn't change him for the world.

Ethan finally turns around and looks at me breaking my heart at the lost little boy look in his eyes.

"All I ever wanted to do is protect you, but I just seem to hurt you even more" I see the glint of a tear sliding down his cheek as he turns away.

"Please come and sit down" I take Ethan's hand and lead him over to the bed were we both sit on the edge. Taking both of his hands in mine I look up into his eyes.

"You do protect me"

"But" Ethan starts to interrupt me but I squeeze his hands and carry on.

"You do protect me your my big brother -granted only by 8 ½ minutes - but you will always be my big brother who I look up to. Who was the one that punched Miles turner in 4th grade for pushing me in the mud YOU" We both chuckle a little at that.

"Who came looking for me when I ran away when we were nine because mom grounded me YOU"

"Yeah but you weren't hard to find. You were in our tree house at the bottom of the garden" Now we were both laughing which is what I wanted to help break the tension a little.

"Hey I was only 9 and I wasn't allowed of the yard" I pouted, after a few more minutes of laughing we quiet down.

"And who was the one who beat up purvey Peter in freshman year for trying to cop a feel"

"Actually that was Drew"

"Really?" I asked shocked I always thought Ethan had done that

"Yep when you thought I'd done it he asked me not to say anything" Ethan shocked me further

"Why would he do that?"

"That's something you will have to ask him" Ethan shrugs

I nod my head that's exactly what I'll do when I speak to him.

"Anyway my point is you do protect me and you do a damn good job"

Ethan shakes his head and stands up

"That's just it I may have protected you when we were kids but where was I when you needed me the most?" Ethan begins pacing and running his hands through his hair in frustration

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