Chap 13

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So here is chap 13 hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think

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Chap 13

 Oh god no

No no no this can’t be happening he can’t be here

“Oh come on pet don’t tell me you’re not pleased to see me” His deep whisky rough voice sends ice shooting down my spine freezing me on the spot.

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. This is not happening, I’m dreaming that’s all, it’s not real.

“Tut tut pet you know how much I hate it when you ignore me” He snaps. I can hear the anger start to rise in his voice. I turn around slowly, keeping my eyes firmly squeezed shut, if I see him then this is real

“Good pet. Now open your eyes” He coos as I feel something warm rub my cheek. I shake my head no, I just can’t.

Tearing pain in my head as he yanks my hair back causes me to snap my eyes open and come face to face with pure evil.

“There we go that wasn’t so hard now was it?” He purrs running a finger down my cheek again causing me to shiver in disgust.

He smiles as a satisfied smile spreads across his lips

“How I love the way you react to my touch” He sounds utterly thrilled by this

“Wh-what do you want Max?” I manage to rasp out quite proud of the fact I only stutter once. I see anger flash in his dark eyes a split second before a sharp pain bursts across my cheek as he backhands me. His hard grip on my hair is the only thing reason I’m still standing and not sprawled out on the floor.

“Did I give you permission to speak pet” I shake my head at his question not willing to chance his temper. He looks over my face a few times seeming disappointed.

Good pet. Looks like I’m going to have to disopline you again” He sighs shaking his head as if the whole discipline thing is a big inconvenience, when we both know how much he enjoys it. I whimper at the thought of being at his mercy again.

“What was that pet? You say something?” He smirks as he tilts his ear towards my mouth as if trying to hear what I’m saying. I quickly shake my head I’ve learned to only answer a direct question.

“Good pet” He coos then quick as a flash he releases his hold on my hair and grabs my wrist dragging me towards the door and out of the room.

No I can’t go with him. I start yanking at my wrist trying to loosen his hold. Damn humans could be really strong when they wanted to. Max’s knuckles turn white as his grip tightens.

Sharp pain shoots through my whole face this time as he backhands me again, this time splitting my lip straight down the middle. I feel the blood drip down my chin as my vision flashes in and out.

“You and I will be having a nice long discussion when we get home pet, I don’t like how you think you can disobey me” Max growls as he roughly pushes his shoulder into my stomach and picks me up in a fireman’s hold and nocking the breath out of me.

Bu the time my head stops spinning and I get my bearings Max is already jogging down the stairs heading straight for the front door.

Shit I can’t let him get outside, I will not go back to that hell. Where on earth is everyone surly they know someone is in the house. Max suddenly skids to a stop and curses under his breath. Spinning around on the spot he tightens his hold across my legs.

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