Chap 10

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So here is chap 10 sorry it took so long but i have added some pictures of my charictors let me know what you think of them. Please vote and comment if you like thanks foe reading

Chap 10

“There you go honey” I smile at Sam as I pass him the last muffin.

“I’m going to have to get shot more often if your gunna treat me like this” Sam smiles around a mouth full of muffin. It’s been two days since the attack and Sam is pretty much healed now. I think I’m starting to drive him crazy though. I insisted he stay in bed until his wounds completely heal but after some negotiation he is now upgraded to the sofa, on the condition he doesn’t get up unless he needs to use the bathroom.

“You better not even think about it. You get yourself shot again and there will be no muffins for anyone” I glare at Sam

“Aww man. Don’t punish the rest of us because Sam’s to slow to catch a cold” Nathan whines from the love seat. He never looks up at us once he just keeps flicking through the TV channels.

“Hello shifter. Can’t catch colds” Sam protests.

“What time did you say they would be home?” I ask Nathan as I glace at the clock. If I don’t stop them from bickering at each other now they will be at it all night.

“Will you stop worrying, they will be back before dinner ok” Nathan says exasperated.

I can’t help but worry though. Ever since the attack Nathan, Seth, Ethan and Drew have been taking shifts running the town and forests and its Drew and Ethan’s turn. They have admitted it was hunters but they won’t go into any more detail than that.

“Ok I’m going to get dinner started. Everyone ok with beef casserole?” I ask getting up from the sofa. I may as well keep busy it might keep me from worrying more.

“Can we have those square potato things please?” Sam begs turning on the charm. He really is too good looking for his own good.

“Sure thing honey. But make sure you stay on the sofa” I shake my head at his behavior.

“Yes mom” Sam wiggles around on the sofa probably trying to get comfy. He has been there all day. Poor thing.

“Good boy” I kiss the top of his head and walk past Nathan snatching the remote out of his hands as I pass and throwing it to Sam.

“Sweet” Sam laughs and starts channel surfing

“Hey I was watching that” Nathan complains getting up and following me to the kitchen.

“You need to go get some sleep before your shift tonight” I say getting a casserole dish out of the cupboard.

“Fine, but can I at least get a hug first” Nathan pouts while holding his arms out. I chuckle at him and put down the diced beef I retrieved from the fridge. Walking over to him I rap my arms around his waist and rest me head on his chest.

“How you holding up?” Nathan speaks into my hair.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders “Ok I guess, I just worry about you all”

“I know honey but we can take care of ourselves, what happened to Sam and Seth was a rarity” Nathan kisses my forehead and steps back

“Try not to worry too much ok” Nathan strokes my cheek and leaves the kitchen. How can I not worry after what happened the other day. I’m a complete mess anytime one of them leaves the cabin.

I try to busy myself with making dinner. I marinade the beef and set it aside. I chop onions, carrots, parsnips and potatoes add them to the oven dish followed but the diced beef and a jug of stock. I put the lid on the dish then put it in the oven and wash my hands.

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