Chapter 13

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The key fit into the door knob perfectly. My heart pounded making my head hurt.

I pulled the key out and threw them carelessly in my purse.

I pushed the door open revealing a pretty big room. A girl sat on one of the two beds.

She about my height. She had auburn hair thrown up in a pony tail the small strands had fallen, framing her face. Her nose was cover with brown spects. And  golden eyes, the lights reflected off them making them glow.

I smiled nervously," Hey, I'm Charity. I guess we are roommates." My eyes found the floor.

I glanced up to see her face light up. Her eyes glowing even more. Unexpectedly she hugged me.
My eyes grew wide and she let me go.

"I'm Harper, but you can call me Harp," she said with a strong southern twang.

"Nice to meet you,"I said happily. Harper is better than I have ever expected.

She was jumping up and down like a five year old in a toy aisle. She grabbed my arm and pulled me onto what I assumed was her bed.

"Since we are like living together I want to know everything about you."

I shook my head," Where do I start?"

"Anywhere," She said moving  closer to me.

I told her about my family and showed her many pictures. I told her my foundest memories. I told her about David, who left as soon as he was eighteen and hasn't contacted us since. I told her my favorites. And my school experience. Finally I told her about the love of my life. Feels good to get it off my chest.

"That's terrible," she said finally,"and you still don't know why?"

I shook my head.

She smiled placing her hand on my knee," Logan is a jerk, but I am glad you couldn't get transferred to Harvard."

I looked at her confused. "I am glad we are roommates," she clarified.

I smiles again. My cheeks began to hurt. "Your turn"

She shifted uncomfortably," I lived in Alabama. With my mom and my brother, Lucas. My dad left when I was little. I don't know what he even looks like. Lucas took the father's role. Protecting the family, confronting me during storms, stuff like that.  My mom is very supportive, although we have had many hard times. Lucas and I got got jobs as soon as we turned sixteen to take some pressure off mom. We have never had a pet, but my mom pulled out a loan so we could go to Disney. I was eleven and Lucas was thirteen." She smiled at the memory. "I am here on full scholarship. I studied my butt off and I made it. Lucas is going to a small community college in Alabama to help mom. I was going to do the same, but Lucas was determined I was going to do great things."

I grinned," Remind me to thank Lucas, if I ever talk to him." I put my arm around my shoulder,"I glad your here.

I few tears were shed. I stood up wiping my face on my hoodie sleeve. "Need to call my mom, she is probably sitting by the phone now."

I dialed her number and was pounded with questions.

"How is it? Do you want to come home? Is your roommate nice? Have you heard from Logan? I can come and get you first thing in the morning.

"Mom, slow down and I'll tell you.......Wait what was that last thing."

"I can come get you?"

"No before that."


"It was something about Logan," I huffed.

"Oh well, if you haven't heard from him my lips are sealed."

"Mom,"I whined.


Instead of saying my whole name like normal parents she said my last name. I don't even know why, but it always keep me quiet.

"Well, I had a good day. My roommate mate is named Harper and she is really nice."

"Oh, can I meet her?"

"Maybe we can facetime sometime. I still have to unpack. Love you bye." I hung up before she could answer.

Logan had something to tell me....

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