Chapter 7

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Charity's POV:

"Once again all our slots are full. Would you like to submit an application for September of next year?" The secretary of Harvard stated.

I sat in a hard wooden chair in my room, about to pull my hair out. Going to Harvard was a dream of mine, but from the sound of it, this dream wasn't going to come true.  

"No, I need to go to college as soon as possible," I pleaded. 

"There is no possible way for you to attend this year. I'm sorry Ms. Henderson." She responsed.

I sighed as I heard the phone click. I threw it on my bed. Letting my anger out, but not harming my phone. 

Abby walked over to where I was sitting, "No such luck?"

"Not a bit. I'm stuck going to USC with Logan," I groaned. 

"Well look on the bright side. USC is a big school. You'll probably never see Logan," she said cheerfully. 

"We are both going into the field of medicine, so there is like an eighty percent chance he will be in my classes."

She put her hand over mine, "Okay, then think about all the beaches with hot shirtless guys."

I giggled, "You always find a good thing in every situation."

"I'm going to say something. Hopefully, it doesn't come out wrong. It's just some advice, and I think you should take it," Abby stated.

I looked into her hazel eyes and nodded. Usually when she acts like this I need to prepare myself for something big.

"Okay, I think you should start moving on. I know you and Logan were close. But you should show him, that you don't need him in your life to be happy," she blurted out.

I blinked a couple of times, "How do I do that?" I questioned.

She thought for a moment then replied, "Don't forget who you are. It's okay to cry for a while, but you need to refocus on where you want to be in life."

"I'm done crying over him. It's time to move on," I confidently responded.

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