Chapter 14

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I couldn't sleep that night I wasn't sure if it was because of the stress of college, or me being curious of what Logan wants to tell me.

I know I shouldn't care, but I do. Logan ripped out my heart, but I still find myself thinking of him.....

I tossed and turned most of the night, hoping I wasn't keeping Harper up, my eyes soon became too heavy to hold open.

I squinted my eyes as a bright light feeled them. I felt a pair of arms on my shoulders shaking me.

I shot up before I relized, that I was in my dorm room and it was Harper shaking me. She had a bright expression on her face rather than distress.

"Let's go to the beach!"She partially yelled.

I yawned rubbing my eyes,"What time is it?"

"6:30,"She said like there was no problem.

I covered my head getting surrounded by the warmth of the bed. No way, I wasn't  leaving yet.

"Come on," I heard Harper plead," There is like a week before school starts."

I rolled over slightly sitting up, I instantly regretted it. I was pounded with Harper's poutly face and I couldn't say no.

She hugged me and ran off to get ready. She was like a five year-old in a nineteenth year-old's body.

I slip my way out of the bed the warmth of the covers instantly left.

I threw on a swimsuit amd then slipped a sun dress over it, when I walked on there were two bags already packed. One with snacks, the other with towels sunscreen and shades.

"Whose car should we take?" Harper asked wasting no time.

Still tried from it being so early it took a while for me to process everything. Before I new it we were in her car, which still smelled new, and Harper was talking nonstop mostly about her never going to a California beach.

"Is all you do sleep," I heard Harper say. I hadn't even relized I fell alseep.

I laughed the statement off undoing my seat belt I opened the door. Getting out, I was greeted by the sun. I wasn't so hot I wanted to die but it was definitely a perfect day for the beach.

I have only known Harper a day but she had the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. Probably due to the fact she didn't have many moments like these growing up.

We started walking toward the glittering blue water the soft sand surrounded our ankles.

I stopped to relax laying a big towel out. Taking off the sun dress to show the bikni, which. I personally thought revealed to much skin. Harper continued on to the water.

I not sure how long I layed there before I felt something hit my stomach.

I shot up in surprise snatching off my sunglasses.

"I am so sorry," a deep voice said," We were just playing volleyball and Brett decided to try and show off."

"Oh that's okay," I said my voice cracking when I looked up. 

He was tall with dark hair almost black. His green eye stood out from his freckled face. But what stood out most was his six-pack.

He smirked checking me out to grabbing the ball off the ground he extended his hand," I'm Evan."

"Charity,"I said blushing.

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