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Lance woke up in the middle of the space, just floating inside Blue. He was confused and only could see black. "Wha-" he started. The wormhole!!!, he suddenly remembered.
He moved to the controls of the giant lion and blindly found the switch for the transmissions.
-Hey, guys!!! Here Lance, my lion is not responding to me and I can only see dark!!!
He waited for an answer but not a single response came.
-Hunk? Pidge? Shiro? Keith? Allura? Coran? Is there someone out there?- he said with a heartbreaking voice, cracking up at the end of his words.- HEY!!! Is there anyone listening?!
An anxious Lance waited for an eternity for a response but instead, he received a hard and strong hit. "AND WHAT NOW!!!" He screamed.
Blue suddenly came back to life and the screen glowed showing what was happening on the outside.
A huge yellow lion was grabbing the ship where Lance was.
-Hunk!!!- Lance screamed relieved.
-Lance? Lance!!! Is that you buddy!!
-YES OMG what happened!!
-I don't know!!, there was a problem with the wormhole and we got spread out. We can not contact with the castle and Keith and Shiro are nowhere to be found. Pidge is already tracking them out.
-Ok. So pidge how are you doing???
-I don't even know Lance. The FUKING wormhole affected all the items that I included to my lion and everything is sooo messed up.
-Great.- lance said punching his leg.
-I don't like this, guys. - Hunk said with a grim face.- I wanna meet the others and go back to the castle. This is dangerous... What if the Galra find us?? OMG, WHAT IF THEY DID!!! WHAT IF THEY ALREADY HAVE THE OTHERS!!!
-HUNK!!!- Pidge screamed scaring the two boys- Shut. The quiznak. Up. Don't you stress me out if you want to keep that tongue of yours. Got it?- Pidge said with her threatening voice. None of them spoke a single word.
-Got it guys.- Pidge said with a small grin after a while.- I'm sending you the location of the black and red lions. I can't find the castle... there are some strange and strong distortions. I think it is related to the connection between time and-
-Ok. Too much science for today Pidge. So pals,- said Lance.- we are going to rescue the remaining paladins and save the castle after it, got it?
-Got it.- green and yellow responded.
And with that, the three took off.


Keith woke up with the first daylight. He was as tired as hell and felt like shit. His galra body was still recovering from yesterday's battle, including the fight against the beasts.
It wasn't raining anymore but the sky was still full of dark purple clouds.
He yawned as he scratched his arm, accidentally cutting his skin with his new claws. "Perfect" he said angrily. He got up hissing, turning away all his thoughts.
He actually found out that what precipitate was water so he got some of it using a big white leaf of one of the trees as a container and gave it to Shiro.
Shiro was still sleeping, breathing with difficulty and wearing a painful expression.
-He is so hot...- Keith said when he put his paw on shiros forehead. He took off his shirt and wetted it just before folding it and putting it over his friends upper face, covering everything except for his mouth and nose.
He heard a strange noise.
"What's up with that??" He thought when the sound was repeated; he felt his ears perking up and focused on his surroundings.
It sounded again and Keith looked at his naked torso "am I hungry???" He said while he touched his muscled and furry belly. He was still in a horrible pain and everything ached, he just didn't even notice he was starving.
He looked at his hands and his claws shined as he moved his fingers. "I should give a try" he said while he stepped outside and covered the entrance of the shelter with some branches and leaves.
He left his senses free and soon located a bunch of little rodents and silently, with the precision of a killing machine, ran over there.
He felt his tail moving happily behind him, he also felt his folded furry ears and his tongue sucking his lips excitedly.
He left his wild instincts take over him and soon had a couple or alien squirrels in his mouth. He brutally ate them raw, growling in pleasure as the taste of meat got into his mouth. The more he hunted the stronger he felt. He didn't notice what was he doing till he found himself liking out the dry blood from his fur. Just like a wild animal.
Keith sat down blankly till he felt a drop on his cheek.
-Rain... - he said while took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He smelled the wet ground under him, the purple grass and the flowers that spotted the purple surface with a bright white. He smelled the humid trunks and branches, the minted arome the wet leaves released. He also smelled the rain it was about to come and the blood. The blood and the dead bodies of the little and helpless animals he brutally murdered and ate.
He didn't have time for this. He couldn't get over it right now.
He got to his feet and shook the dirt out of his trousers. His tail was between his legs and ears flat against his head, showing how he really felt.


When the paladins landed on the strange planet, they hide the lions in a cave and prepared their bayards just in case.

Once they were out Hunk started to freak out. AGAIN.
-Guys, where are we!? This planet is so strange!! Why is everything so purple!!! It's such an aggressive color!!! - he said gesturing towards the landscape around them. - What kind of dangerous creatures must live here!! Imagine it guys!!! Ohh and I am the most eatable one!!! I mean, look and me!!- said Hunk with a disgust look.
-How are they going to eat you, when they have something like this??-said lance making a sassy posture.- l mean, I'm irresistible, I look delicious!!!- he said laughing and looking triumphantly at the purple sky above.
Pidge looked at them without words, smiling. Hunk being Hunk and Lance being Lance. At least Lance didn't show up how nervous and worried he was and tried to relax the scared boy.
-Repeat me why aren't we doing this safely in our lions please.- Hunk said already about to cry.
-well,- pidge started a bit fed up about the complaining of his friend.- out lions are affected by the last battle and they are somehow damaged, not talking about all the interferences we get because of the motherfucking rocks of this plane-
-BLACK- Hunk cut in.
-What??- Lance and pidge asked in unison.
-I see the black lion guys!!!- Hunk screamed.
They all ran to the lion without hesitation, praying for his friends.
"Let them be ok, let them be ok, let them be-..." Lance internally said.

They al gasped.
Pidge put her hands over her mouth, eyes wide open.
Hunk flinched while he moved his lips, trying to get a word out of his mouth.
Lance just stared blankly and let go a tiny "No" that filled the air with pain.
What they found was nothing they were prepared for.


As I promised a new chapter!!! 1247 words only for you guys. I'm so happy I already have 32 views :) I hope you enjoyed this loooooong chapter.

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