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Lance woke up dizzy. He had spent the whole night crying and his eyes were reddened and swollen, accompanying dark purple eye bags.
He washed his face with cold water and didn't even bother to look at the mirror.
Shortly after, he left the room and led to the cell where he could find the galra.
What he saw wasn't a galra anymore. Its fur was now covered with a dry red liquid and multiple deep and painful cuts were all over its body. Something sharp pierced the tail, it didn't look enjoyable. The alien was lying like a dead body, the only thing that differed it from a cadaver was the silent whimpers that were heard.
Lance didn't feel relieved when he saw his family killer like that. He somehow felt ashamed. They weren't savage, brutal. They were the paladins of Voltron, the defenders of the vulnerable, of the universe. That somehow included galra too. That included the killer in front of him too.
Aliens were walking through the corridor.

-Hey!!!!- Lance called.- what happened with him?

-Some tried to get information from him. -one huge alien said. - he just kept saying stupid things. He spoke no word, that bastard must have been well trained!!!

-Do you think that is normal?? - he said pointing at the cell.- how he looks like?? he is dying for God's sake!!

-dying you say??? Dying???- Lance was mentally cursing himself while the muscled alien was getting closer. - Do you think they have mercy or think of your family when they rip off your neck?? or kill your sister? or even your son? These filthy creatures deserve nothing but suffer. - angrily answered the alien. - that creature you are looking at might be your friends killer. And you dare to ask, you have the guts, to worry about him?!?!

-If you keep doing this to him, you would be just like them, even worse. Tell me what differentiates you from the Galra empire right now. - Lance firmly asked to the other, using all the bravery he had left.

- you bastard!!!!- screamed the alien while it tried to punch Lance on his face. Luckily, the other aliens hold their comrade and saved Lance from a broken nose. They pulled him away and a woman told the paladin where he could find some water and a clean cloth to help the galra.

Keith screamed again as the pins were removed from his new tail. He screamed till every single one was out from his body.
Then, he silently cried.
His body was aching so badly... and nightmares haunted him again and again. He could hardly remember who he was, where he was,  where he belonged to. He wanted to die.
He heard a shushing sound and slowly stopped crying. he couldn't even talk, don't speak about moving.
He whimpered when a wet cloth cleaned his wounds, wondering who could be the one helping him.
-Did you kill him?
Keith stopped breathing.
It was Lance.
He was helping him even though he looked like a normal galra and didn't know his identity.
Keith tried to talk. Oh, he did try, but he only pronounced strange noises. The other boy opened the mask so he could see his bright yellow eyes.
"It's really you..." Keith thought.
-If you did kill him, - said Lance with a solemn voice and a sad face.- blink once. If you didn't, blink twice.
He blinked twice and Lance looked even more sad.
-how am I going to believe you... You could be answering that just to save your life... Sorry. I don't... I can't believe you. - He said. Sadness was a synonym for Lance in that moment. He could see Lances suffering and he hated himself for not being able to comfort his family. He hated even more the desperation and painful sadness of the amazing blue eyes he was looking at, those strong eyes which always shined and tried to show pure and happy emotions.
"It's me" he tried to say but only a growl left his through.

Lance left shortly after, leaving Keith behind, locked up in the cell.
A couple of days passed but Keiths wounds were almost healed. He was tortured no more and no one came to see him, not even to give him food or water. He could kill for a dish of food goo.
He thought about his friends. Were they ok? How was Shiro doing? Was hunk afraid? Was Pidge sad? Was Lance making any better?
He was constantly thinking about them. Where were allura and coran??
He just wanted to get out of that disgusting cell.
When he was about to roll over back to sleep, he heard some steps, "someone's coming here."
Keith wanted to look vulnerable weak, maybe that way they would listen to him. Maybe that way they thought he was no danger.

-Wake up, monster. It's your time.
"My time? What's going on?" Keith thought just before someone cuffed him and removed his mask. He didn't waste his opportunity.
He got punched.
Several times.
Harder each time.
They ceased as he stopped his screaming.
Someone put a bag over his face, covering it all, and dragged him out of the dark, filthy room.
-We are going to kill him. -No one spoke. - We can't get information from him and we can't tell if he has a tracker or something. We have to protect our families, save the plan, and we can't do that with him here. It's not safe. 
Pidge opened her mouth to speak, but she kept silent as the alien rose his hand.
- He is dangerous, we can't take any risks, we are so close to recover our homes... it's definitive. You can't stop us. If you don't agree, then leave this planet. We are not going to force you to collaborate with us if you don't like our "brutality"- the speaker looked at Lance. - or, because we don't see eye to eye anymore.
All the paladins looked at each other and, reluctantly, gave them the permission to  do what they considered with him.
Lance left the room and leaded to the cell where the galra was.

He heard some screaming and ran to the room. When he arrived, the galra was silent and they were covering his face with a bag.
But Lance saw something that changed it all.

1078 words for a sunny and warm 23rd of October... Keiths birthday!!!
I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter
See ya!!!

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