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Keith couldn't remember falling asleep. He was cold and his body ached so bad he thought he might pass out. When he opened his eyes he was confused "why can't I see?" He tried to move, only listening the sound of metal; he was chained. So if he remembered good, something put him on some type of mask that covered his face? Making him unable to see?
He silently breathed, gaining some strength. While sniffing, he recognized Lances scent and he could tell he was sleeping because of his breathing.
Keith tried to call his name but only a guttural sound left his mouth. Not only he was cuffed but gagged too.
Anguish invaded his body, leading him to desperately get rid of the grips. Soon he was feeling a horrible pain at his wrists.
Few seconds later, some footsteps could be heard.
-It's awake. - Lance said, bringing Keith to stop. - what are you going to do with it?
-We are going to get some information, we believe he is part of an expedition group; he might not be alone.
No more words were exchanged between them and an opening door was heard.
Keith didn't like the sound of "getting information" and he instantly thought about torture. He tried to move backwards but his back was already hitting the wall behind him.
-Ohh the little Galra is scared like a little kitten. - Said a third voice. Keith felt a strong hand around his neck and swallowed hard. - You don't look as feral as when you killed my family.
Keith wanted to say he didn't kill anyone, that he was a paladin, that he wasn't galra, that he didn't want to harm anyone.

But no words could leave his mouth.

"They are going to kill me" he thought.
As soon as he was unchained to the wall he charged against his captors with all the strength he had left, holding to his last hope of life.
Soon he was immobilized and taken to another room.
Chains now covered his chest, tying him to a chair.
Light suddenly blinded him and he knew he was about to face hell.
"Lance, please, save me." He thought while he looked the three menacing figures in front of him.


Lance saw how the aliens carried out the galra. It desperately tried to scape but it was easily controlled as he was wounded. He somehow felt confused, why was he feeling so wrong about the situation? He could tell something was off, but what?? His growing headache only confused him more and soon decided to go and check out how Shiro was doing.

Hunk, Pidge and some other aliens were around the bed where the wounded paladin laid.
-How is he doing??- said Lance quietly.
-Better- said Hunk with one of his reassuring smiles.
Pidge wouldn't say another word since they found Shiro. She was tightly grabbing Shiros hand and she looked at him without any facial expression.
-Hey,- Lance called her- do you want me to bring you something??
-Nah, thanks anyway.- answered Hunk for both after a while. Pidge didn't even turned around to face Lance. He was very concerned with her, she wasn't looking good and... quiznak!!! She is the strong one, the one who jokes with him and always gets Shiro desperate because of her vocabulary!!!
Lance felt a pang of pain and weakly led to his new room.
When he arrived, he sat and thought about all the recent events: Shiro terribly wounded, Pidge broken, Hung so scared he didn't have any tears left, Allura and Coran nowhere to be known and unable to connect with and... Keith. Lance felt broken again; like every single night when memories haunt him like ghosts and pain don't let him sleep.

Home. It's something he couldn't even remember. Those funny evenings with his sisters and brothers, the great times he spent with his mum, with his dad... everything felt so distant to him that sometimes he confused memories with dreams. He knew he had lost his family, Voltron would never end and any battle could be the last one. He knew returning to planet Earth was not even an option. And that broke his heart.
Now he was losing his family and he couldn't possibly go through that. Not again.
Pain, sadness, anguish, and desperation were one with him. And he cried. He cried, screaming, like a little boy, because after all, he was one. A kid with the weight of the world on his shoulders. With the weight of the universe on his shoulders.
"Mamá " he cried, only being silenced by the screaming galra.
("Mamá" is mum in English,  just in case :))

Keith couldn't stand the pain any longer. The three aliens have been cutting inside of the already flesh wounds, bringing a lot of horrible pain. Keith didn't want to scream, to let them know he was weak, he was a paladin of Voltron. "I have to stay strong". He fought, he did fight. But it wasn't enough.
Soon they started to make cuts all over his galra body, turning his purple fur into red. Then they covered him with a strange liquid that felt like acid inside the recent wounds.
That wasn't the worse.
He breathed hard, trying to focus on the face before him.
-I'll ask ONE more time, then we will get to the really enjoyable game.- said the alien with a dark smile. - Where are your comrades!!?? Speak out already you bastard!!!!
Keith opened his mouth with great effort and weakly answered.
-I...I m tha... tha red paladin...
he spat out blood after finishing and seriously looked into the aliens eyes.
He felt his face being smashed.
-You were the one who asked for it. - said another alien.
They took his tail and merciless, they started to pierce it with some horrible pins. That did hurt like hell. They even somehow electrified those pins, sending waves of unbearable pain through his dorsal spine.
And with that, he screamed with all the strength he had left. He cried for help but only whines left his throat. Growls of agony and pain filled the once white room.
Keith soon passed out, only remembering a deep dark shiny red and tears running through his face.

1094 words :D
I Hope that you enjoyed this chapter. :)

I'm so happy that you all are reading my work, I could have never imagined that this story could ever have so many readers. Again, IM SO HAPPY!!!
Enjoy the next season, let's see what Dreamworks bring us this time... (hope that something longer than the previous  season...)
See you soon!!!

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