"What are we?"

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Right before our lips would've touched I pulled away. I still don't know if I can attach myself to him yet. I like him but I am too afraid to get hurt or ruin our new but great friendship. Even if he says he would never hurt me there will always be a chance he could.

"Im sorry." I say.

"It's ok, we have time." he pulls me closer to him and he kisses my forehead.

I just sigh thinking about where time could take us. I mean we are friends now but we could be more in the future. But like I said I'm not ready, and I am glad he understands that.

(September 5th) (The next day)
Its been a day, and all I have thought about is Devan. It's quite annoying at this point because I could barely sleep last night. I like him I really do but I just cant... Not this soon. Even if I only got about 2 hours of sleep I still have to go to school.

I think about the encounter I had with that guy from the football team the other day. But apparently all the guys in school either want me or think I'm a slut. I try not to pay attention to any of them because that would just most likely cause drama. Plus Devan and Collins are the only nice guys I can hang out with. My mum is a bit protective over the boys I see and I respect that because I am too.

I throw on joggers and an adidas T-shirt. I didn't want to try today because my mind was too busy to even worry about what I looked like. I walk out the door and see Devan leaning on my car.

"Could we do this everyday?" he asks.

"Of course we can. You're  also out 30 minutes early. Why?" I ask.

"Got ready quicker than usual. Wanted to see ya." he said

"Ok, wanna go get breakfast since we have time?" I ask.

"That would be lit. Thanks."

We get in the car and make our way to the little cafe that is around the corner from school. It was my favorite place to eat last year with- oh uh Mari. I shake that thought out of my head as we walk in. We both get a coffee and a muffin.

We wanted something small since we don't eat a bunch in the morning. I learned that about him, we are quite similar.

I like that.

We chat about the first few days of school and such. Then he asked me something.

"Shai? Wouldyouliketogotoapartywithmeonfriday?" He jumbles.

"Sorry, what?" I ask.

"Would you like to go to a party with me on Friday?" he asks fast.

I smile at the thought. I had never been to a party before. Sure Mari and I had an occasional drink- actually no when mum wasn't home we would get wasted. But it was great, even if we did end up hungover.

"Sure I would love too!"

Now that I am making myself go to a party I will have to get an outfit after school.

We finish up and we are almost instantly at school since it's just around the corner. I walk in and of course all eyes are on me. Im next to Devan so even more eyes are on me than usual. I can see people whispering. I just try to ignore it and walk into biology with Devan.

Devan and I are now working on a project for biology. But I don't know how we have accomplished anything. One moment we are working perfectly fine. The next we are goofing off like a couple of freaks. We are laughing at some stupid pun when he puts his hand on mine. It was an accident and I didn't stop him.

"Oh god no." I say in my mind.

I can't let this keep going on. I mean I can if I wanted to but- I don't even know. This is why I don't sleep at night. Too much thinking all the time about what we are.


But 7 periods later, school is finally over.
We drive home making stupid puns for absolutely no reason.

"Very punny Shai." he said after I made a 1 Direction pun.

I couldn't help but laugh at his joke and his cuteness.

Collins and him are shooting a video today. I want to be there to watch but I need to go get an outfit for the party. I had just dropped Devan off and now I am on my way to a small teen clothes shop. I want my outfit to be cute and kinda casual. Not flashy but stylish. I walk in and I have someone help me look at a few things. Like ripped jeans, some crop tops and shoes. We try a few different out fits but I settle for this one⬇

 We try a few different out fits but I settle for this one⬇

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I really like it. I hope Dev- uh I hope other people do too. I buy it and since its a resale shop it ended up being cheap. It was a really good deal. I could re wear it to other places as well. Now all I can think about is getting home to hang with Devan.

(Ayo guys! Sorry for a short filler chapter. Its kinda confusing but I hope you understand it lol! The next update will be long and its about the party. Also I haven't been updating alot because I am really focused on my main fic "Somebody To You". I am almost done with it then I am writing a sequel so go read that! Also thank you to the people who take time out of their day to read my fanfics I really appreciate it. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Hope y'all have a good night! See ya! Ya-YEET!
Kayla xx)

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