New Years Conflicts

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Devans POV:
(December 31st-1st)

"10,9,8,7,6-" I hear the tv count down, I look over to Shailene who is sat on the couch in my empty living room. She is smiling at me with big loving eyes. We didn't want to do anything big for New Years given that tomorrow is a moving day anyway.

Her mum and OakLeigh were at some party with some of their friends. My family was currently in Vegas for more festivities and such. So once again Shailene and I were left to entertain ourselves. Not that I minded it.

Most people on New Years ever get things like fruit platters, champagne, and all sorts of gourmet type snacks.

But when you are me you get hot chocolate and an endless supply of things like goldfish hence the hungry girlfriend and now and laters.

"4, 3, 2,-" I press my lips against Shailenes and feel her smile against me but at the same time the tv starts blaring an alarm like sound.

Our eyes dart to the tv and all we can see is a burning building. The news anchor soon comes on and starts to speak about it.

"Breaking news! This building in Las Vegas has been nearly demolished as some form of terrorist attack has taken place. At first it was a minor shooting but somehow a bomb became involved. There isn't much info on this but reporters say that there was a party going on. And suspicious behavior was spotted but at that point it was too late. We don't have much more information on this, but we will keep you updated."

Collins. Mum and dad.

I look at Shailene in horror and she does the same.

I bolt from the couch and grab my phone off of the kitchen counter right before it rings.

"Hello?" A shaky voice asks.


"Yes dear." She confirms.

"What happened?"

"There was an attack, I can't go into much detail right now. But Collins was hurt and we need you to get down here as soon as possible, alright?" She rambles.

"Is going to be ok?"

"Yeah, I think so. We just need you here for moral support." She says.

"What about Shai? I'm supposed to help her move in tomorrow and stay with her the first-"

"Please? We really need you." My mother asks.

"Fine. I'll get the next plane ticket out there." I hang up the phone not wanting to have to tell Shailene this.

"What's wrong?" She takes notice of the look on my face.

"Collins is hurt. I have to go to Vegas, Shai."

"Oh." Is all she could manage to say, she looked as if she was thinking.

"I don't want to leave you though."

"No, don't even think about staying. This is Collins, they need you right now. I can get Mercedes to help or something. I mean she did offer." She reminds me trying to get me to look on the bright side.

"Are you sure?"

"No but you need to go so look into plane tickets." She sighs.

"Don't make it seem like I want to go."

"I'm not, I'm not. The moving isn't that big of a deal because there's literally like 5 boxes left." She expresses.

"Yeah I guess so. I just don't want you to be lonely." I worry.

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