Halloween Dance P.2

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Shailenes POV:
"Mavis?" I ask focusing my eyes on the smirk plastered across her face. "You're such a fucking slut!" she laughs.
"Well its not like you cared about him, you just wanted his dick. Which you never got so....." I say.
"Well if you're going to keep being a bitch to my your little boy toy Bradley, may find out about this......"
"You wouldn't!" I protest

"Oh yes I would. So you better watch your mouth. Cmon Dev." she drags Devan out of the closet.  Its just come over me that I technically cheated on Brad. I instantly feel bad, I feel my heart beat quicken and my hands start to shake. I try to get up but I can't. Anxiety attacks are hell!

I look on my bag and fine my anxiety pills and dry swallow one. I mentally high five myself for remembering to take them with me just in case something like this happened. I find the strength to get back up and go back into the gym where the dance is. I see a lonely looking Brad sitting in his seat at our table. He looks up when I arrive at the table, he looks relived. But I need to get him out of here so Mavis won't tell him what just went down.
"What happened love? Are you alright?" He asked taking my hands.
"I'll tell you about it when we get back to my place. Sleepover?" I encourage.
"That would be awesome. We all brought extra clothes just in case." he giggled and may have squeaked a bit.

I found it to be the cutest thing ever. We round up the boys and decide to leave. I was a bit tired and still a bit triggered from earlier. So I slept in the car even though it was only a 10 minute ride. When we got back, OakLeigh was asleep in the living room so we had to sneak past her to get to my room. When we got in my room we decided to change. I got the bathroom and they just changed in my room. I brushed my hair and teeth. Put shorts and an oversized sweatshirt on. Threw my hair in a messy bun and went back into the room.

I see the boys in sweatpants, but no shirts.
"This is wayyyy too much testosterone for me guys!" I joke.
"You love it though!" Tris says.
"I don't know about that chicken."
He rolls his eyes and James says "Let's play my version of 20 questions guys!"
"Whats your version James McFlames?" I ask
"James McFlames wh-" James cuts Con off by saying "I like it shut the hell up Condor." he smiles.
"So instead of like a guessing game it's that we get to ask everyone 20 questions. You game?" James asks.
"I'm down, lets do this shit."

"I'll start!'' Con said.
"Ok Shailene, do you have any girl best friends?" my breathing hitched when he said this. The familiar lump in my throat began to form. He must've forgot about Mari. My palms are now sweaty, hands are shaking. My stomachs churning, heads beginning to spin. Why is this happening!? I just took meds!

"I-I uh no." Is all I can choke out.
I soon feel Brads fingers intertwine with mine. He is trying to calm me, and its working. Soon, about halfway through the game James fell asleep. Tris and Con following after. So me and Brad had some alone time.
"So what happened earlier? And don't lie to me." he warned.
"I-I uh f-freaked out."
"About what love?" he questions tracing random patterns along my arms.
"You used to? Do you still-" he asks.

"No. I haven't done it in a while. But lately I have had the urge to, when I saw the knife I panicked. I ran to the janitors closet and calmed down." I mean I wasn't lying to him I was just leaving out a tiny part.
"Oh.... Ohhhhh." he says putting all the peices together.
"Please don't do it again though. Don't hurt yourself, I cant and won't loose you. I-I love you."
He didn't. No no no, he has got to be joking. I stare at him wide eyed not knowing what to say. I can't lie to him and say it back.

So I just kiss him. The kiss gets hungrier, more desperate. His shirt is removed, along with my sweatshirt. His hands were getting closer to my shorts and I stopped him.  "The boys. We can do this another time." I tell him, my forehead against his.
"No we can't." he says sadly.
"We have to leave for London the day after tommorow. And I'm going to be super busy in the studio finishing up some things with the boys tommorow." He explains sadly.
"You're lying! I won't be able to see you again." I am actually kinda sad.
"Yes you will, I will talk to you whenever I can and come and see you when I can." he assures me.
"Promise." he confirms.

I am still extremely exhausted, so I cuddle up to his chest and slowly fall asleep. Although not thinking of Brad, but thinking of the kiss with Devan....

(Heyo lavelies! Ik its a short chapter abd I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry. I am going to try to update as much ad I can before I have surgery in a couple weeks. Because Idk if I will feel up to it, but hopefully I will. Also the next chapter will have a lot of stuff going down. I know I say this all the time but be prepared.  Lolol but anyways until the next update my Lavelies!
💙, Kayla)

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