Friendly Encounter

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Shailenes POV:

"Mum...?" I ask walking through the front door.

"Mum??" I speak a bit louder, but jump in surprise when OakLeigh pops out of no where.

"Heyo!" She giggles.

"Jeez, Oak could you announce yourself next time?" I say clutching my chest as it is beating a million times faster than it was 2 seconds ago.

"Sorry. Erm...where's Devan?" She peeks behind me.

"Oh uh, he went back to his house. He wanted to give me time to...process things."

"What d'ya mean?" She asks.

"She didn't tell you?"

She shook her head.

"C'mon." I sigh grabbing her hand and dragging her up the stairs with me to mums room.

I open the door and mum is sitting on her bed. Clutching dads old leather jacket.

"Let me explain." She speaks, not even bothering to look up at us.


"Come over here."

OakLeigh and I sit at the edge of mums bed and wait for her to start whatever she was about to start.

"I have lung cancer. It's not good, alright. But I can't do anything about the situation nor circumstances. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just didn't want to see you upset again. I know this is all happening quickly but I don't have a choice." She states.

"W-what's going on?" OakLeigh asks in fear with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mums got stage 4 lung cancer." I sigh not wanting to face the soon crying little girl. I hate seeing OakLeigh hurt, she is only 12 for gods sake. She doesn't deserve this.

"What do you have to do about it?" OakLeigh inquires.

"Well, that's the other thing. You and me are moving out for a little while so I can get better. So I can get proper treatment." Mum utters.

"What about Shai?"

"She is old enough to get her own place here, which has already been bought." She explains.

"Why? Why the hell is this happening to ME?" OakLeigh starts to raise her voice a bit and get up.

"Calm down." I whisper in her ear, even though I know she needs to blow off some steam.

"I can't. I can't keep acting like everything is fine when it's all over the place." OakLeigh fumed.

"So where are we going, huh?" She continues.

"Colorado. We leave on the first."

"What? Why so soon?" OakLeigh screeched, But I pretty much did the same thing so I can't complain.

"Because the cancer is getting really bad and I need a certain treatment, Oak."

OakLeigh opens her mouth as if she was about to speak but closed it just as fast.

"You know I love you girls and I'm so sorry." My mum starts to cry.

"Everything lately had just been so hard, I didn't want to hurt you guys again. Shailene, you were doing so good." She smiles at me sadly.

"It's Devan. He is my source of happiness." I remind her.

"If I didn't have him I wouldn't be here." I continue.

"I know." She sighs.

"We're going to be okay, yeah?" OakLeigh says trying to defuse some of the thick tension in the room.

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