Surgery and Support

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Shailenes POV:
(December 14th)

"Shailene, wake up...," I hear Devan say, I feel his lips attack my cheek.

But, I don't budge.


"Really?" I jump up,

"No. I just knew that would get you up." he admits, smiling.

I ignore anything else he says to me to go get dressed. The doctor said to wear comfortable clothes because I would want to be comfy after surgery. I throw on my favorite pair of joggers and- you guessed it, Devans hoodie. I put my hair in 2 Dutch braids because its easier to deal with.

I also had to change my metal lip ring to a plastic one the other night. Mum is actually coming today, so she can drive us home after surgery. And Devan can sit in the back and comfort me.

He is honestly the sweetest boy I swear on my life.

As I am putting my fuzzy boots on I notice Devan has his phone out. Pointed at me.

"Really, Key?"

"What?" he asks innocently,

"Stop photographing me! I look like death!" I whine. I mean I don't look good, I have only slept about 24 hours in the past week. And that isn't enough.

"I think you look beautiful."

"Ya, but you always say that." I remind him,

"But it's true, I'm sorry for thinking my girlfriend is the mist beautifullest princess ever." He says in a baby voice, yet still causing me to blush.


"Never!" He winks.

I hear my mum call us from downstairs signalling its time to leave. I grab a blanket and a pillow and head downstairs, with Devan following. I'm letting mum drive my car so I can play my music. Even though I will most likely fall asleep on the way.

Once we get into the car and we are situated we take off. I put my pillow on Devans lap and lay down. I plug in my phone and start playing Little Mix, because Little Mix is amazing. I feel Devans hand intertwine with mine as I take his phone.

I get on his snapchat and take a million different pictures and add them to his story. Even though its dark outside, I still use frontwards flash.

Throughout the car ride I never fall asleep like anticipated. The nerves keep me up, so does the music. But it's ok because I will be under anesthesia later.

When we arrive I have to go through the whole check in process, which takes about 45 minutes it's self. Now we are in the waiting room and I'm watching Devan get really entertained by playing with the kids toys.

But sure enough a nurse takes us back and I have to do the old "Pee in the cup" ordeal. Just to make sure I'm not pregnant or anything, which I'm not.

They take me to my "room" which isn't really a room. It's a section of space with a bed and the machines with a curtain. The nurse asks me a bunch of questions and I change into my hospital gown. Which makes me look like a balloon, but thank God I can use the blanket in the bed to cover me up.

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