Chapter Three

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Amari was brought before King Livius and Princess Nike.. One of the guards pushed her down to make her kneel..

"Come on girl! Show some respect to the King and Princess!" he snarled.

Amari trembled in fear.. She was extremely frightened and don't know what to do. She has always led a sheltered life and her only friends are Kei and the children from the village that she grew up in..

"Hurry up and kneel!" another guard raised his voice and Amari quickly did as told..

"Don't be so harsh on her." Princess Nike's voice sounded, making Amari snapped her eyes to the front, taking in the figures sitting on the thrones.

"This girl was the cause that that guy started shouting and causing a commotion during my decree!" King Livius bellowed and Princess Nike frowned.

"Look she's just a harmless girl. Why are you so angry with her?"


Livius's P.O.V.:

Damn it. I thought what the oracles said were mumbo jumbo...

A whole load of hogwash...

And there she is before me...

How could this have happened?!?

I started the day as per normal, do mine and Nike's routine... I didn't even go out of my way to search for her like what the oracles advised me to..

And yet.. there she is before me!

Wait. Wasn't it I the one who ordered the guards to arrest her? Why? Why did I do that?

Oh yea because she angered me.. Her face made me furious... I remember that face... It was the face that appeared in my mind when the oracles passed me God's message..

"Livius!" Nike's voice snapped me out of my reverie. "Are you listening to me?!"

I composed myself well as I stared at my wife.


"... Well.. at least you are honest."

"So what was it that you were saying?"

"Oh! I was saying since your reason was a petty one to arrest her, then why not just release her?"

I raised an eyebrow at my wife before Neil, my royal advisor, came into the room, bowing.

"Pardon me for interrupting King Livius and Princess Nike, but we have managed to find out who the girl is living with."

"Yea I figured it's with those two guys bickering with each other just now." I spoke in a bored voice.

"Well... yes. As a matter of fact, the old man, Hiru, is her foster father. The younger man, is your age, he is her foster brother."

"Did you find out why they said King Livius don't deserve her?" Nike voiced out to Neil, making me stiffen..

"Erm... We did manage to question them but I don't believe their reason-"

"What did they say?" I cut Neil off, earning a look of surprise from him but nevertheless, he answered me..

"Amari's foster father said that he had planned to give Amari to you as a maid to work here because their family is poor and needed money. But Kei, her foster brother, was not in favour of the idea and that's why the argument happened."

"And why don't you believe them Neil? It sounds reasonable to me. Nothing out of the ordinary." Nike replied.

"They don't seem that poor. Besides, Kei seems to want to say something more but one glare from Hiru and he immediately walked back into the house."

My shoulders relaxed when I heard that..

Neil and Nike must never find out that Amari, the girl before me, is my soulmate...

And I know just what to do with her...

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