Chapter 21.

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Hey guys. Okay sorry but this is like a really short chapter sorry. don't forget to vote and comment. Love yas, BYEE

Btw this chapter is just random!! BYEE

"Jim ?" John asked. "Well done Johnny boy." He sneered. "What do you want ?" I asked, holding John closer to me. "Oh nothing" he had an malicious grin plastered on his face. "I just wanted to tell you both that I've been watching you."

"What do you mean by that ?" John asked grabbing my hand. I checked his pulse, it was racing.

"Oh, you don't need to worry John. It's your little boyfriend that should be worried." He spat at John, his face growing smugger by the minute, it was sickening. "And why's that?" I asked him, starting to feel worried. "You'll know soon enough Sherlock. Everything's fine, for now." He spoke softly to me, not like when he had spoken to John. He was walking towards me, his face had relaxed and he was smiling.

When he stopped, he looked up to me. He was so close that I could feel his breath brushing against my face. His pupils were dilated. He lifted one of his hand up to the side of my face and started stroking my cheek. His eyes wandered around my face, then lingered on my lips before they shot up to my own.

He then lifted his other hand up to my face. He smirked before looking down to my lips again. He then pulled my face down to his and placed his lips to mine. My stomach tightened when he done this. He was pushing forcefully against my lips as he tugged at fistfuls of my hair. I felt bad, John was probably devastated at the sight of this. I tried pulling away, but this just made him cling on tighter.

When he finally released me, I stumbled back, wiping at my mouth as I walked back to John. He looked up at me, he looked as disgusted as I felt. "I am so, so sorry. I-I" I tried explaining but John interrupted me "Sherlock, it's okay." When I turned back to where Moriarty was standing, I found that he was gone. "Come on be better get back before its too late." I said walking slightly ahead of John. I was ashamed of what had just happened.

As soon as the both of us got in the door my mother was out in hall, asking us where we had been and if we were okay. I simply ignored to questions and sprinted up the stairs, leaving John to answer. I hear them mumble while I shuffled slowly to my room.

Mum: "is he okay John?"

John:"I don't know, I think he just feels a bit unwell."

Mum:"oh, okay. Well I better get back to cleaning. Are you hungry?

John:"oh, no. I-I'm fine, thanks anyways."

When I walked into my room I slammed the door behind me and landed on my bed like a sack of potatoes. A few seconds later I heard John softly tapping on the door. "Come in" I croaked, not lifting my face from the pillow I landed on. "You okay?" He asked when he had shut the door. He was now sitting on the edge of my bed with a hand on my back, slowly tracing circles on my spine. "No" I whispered, at this point I was crying. "What's wrong?" He asked sounding worried. "Everything!" I shouted as I sat up.

John jumped when I shouted, he looked hurt as he shifted away slightly. "Look I'm sorry John, but I'm scared okay?" I tried explaining but it was hard to think of what to say. "Scared of what?" He asked, lifting his hand up to me cheek, as if to wipe away my tears, but I flinched away. "Feelings John. I don't want to get hurt again." I told him, hiding my face with my arms. "What do you mean again?" He asked as he moved beside me.

"Jim. It was Jim. It was 2 years ago. He- he broke my heart John, and it was one of the worst feelings. I- I just don't want it to happen again." Now I was huddled up into a little ball, not wanting to feel anything. I was still crying when John shuffled up beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked when he had gotten comfortable. "I don't know, it never came up" I told him, falling to my side, still covering my face. I began straightening out when Mycroft knocked on the door. "What do you want Mycroft ?!" I shouted at him as he entered. "I need to have a talk to John. Come along." He said asked he walked over to John and pulled him by his arm.

I didn't bother to ask what is was about as I was tired. I felt strange, like John was changing me, I never slept before I met him, or cried (except from when red beard got put down) either. But John was the best thing that had happened to me, and I was grateful.

(Major editing) It wouldn't take a consulting detective to see that I love you.Where stories live. Discover now