Author Note

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let yas know that I've uploaded the first chapter of my new fanfic and I would really appreciate it if yas went and checked it out maybe ? Anyways I'll give yas a little bit here and if you like it, you can continue on it's called Trenchcoats and if not then continue on reading this. And since yas probably thought this was a new chapter ima upload one in a bit for yas. Love yas, BYEE for now

"Sherlock's POV

I was pulled out of my train of thought by the constant giggling and chattering coming from downstairs. Ms. Foreman was over for the third time this week. She and her son have been coming over repeatedly over the summer, I had deduced earlier on in the holidays that she had been having troubles at home.

I hadn't been able to think properly since I left school. Groaning, I sat up and pushed myself off of my bed. I opened the door and walked out, regretting it almost immediately. I carefully crept down the stairs in hope of being silent.

I pushed the door to the kitchen open and was almost smothered in hugs from Ms. Foreman. She was cooing at me about how tall I had gotten, how she hadn't seen me in years and how she had brought her son with her in hope of us both becoming "friends". Idiot, I don't have "friends", I don't /need/ "friends", Redbeard is the only friend I need.

I ignored her rambling on until she had let go of me. I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a mug to make myself tea. I hadn't eaten since, let me see, um last Thursday and today was Wednesday, I should be good for another day but I better eat so Mother doesn't worry.

After I drank my tea and ate an apple, I silently walked into the living room. David was sitting on the sofa watching some documentary on space. If you were to ask me, I would say that he has a bit of an unhealthy obsession. To be completely honest, I, myself, do not see the point in filling your head with such useless information.

I was half way to the book shelf that held my beloved collection when I accidentally stood on a squeaky floorboard. I looked up, in defeat, to see that David was now turned around on the sofa with only his head popping up from behind it. "Oh, hey Will, what're you at? I haven't seen you in ages, have you been avoiding me or something" he shouted, chuckling at his own joke. 'Yes, of corse I've been avoiding you, you're one of the most annoying people I've ever met' I thought to myself. "I was actually just about to go up to my room, to read, alone" I told him as I continued walking towards the shelf. When I had finished speaking I heard what sounded like scraping at leather.

I looked over to the sofa where David was to see that another head had popped up beside his. It was Redbeard. He was meant to be out the back, if Father saw Redbeard in here he would kill both me and him. "What is Redbeard doing in here, he's not aloud to be in the house!" I loudly whispered at him before calling the dog to my side.

"Oh, sorry." He said as his face dropped. I quickly grabbed my book and ran up out the door with Redbeard by my side. I ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I shot into my room and locked the door behind me."

(Major editing) It wouldn't take a consulting detective to see that I love you.Where stories live. Discover now