Chapter 24.

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Hey guys, I think I'm gonna get into the habit of uploading a chapter a week or so. Sorry bout all the sad in the last chapter and such. By the way, after you read this chapter, it's not as bad as it seems!! and I'm starting to write a new story about, like, SuperWhoLock and I need plot lines and stuff, I know the start of it but I don't know where to go after that, so comment or inbox me if you have any ideas. Love yas, BYEE.

Ps, thanks for all of your lovely comments, they make me so happy to see people enjoying this !! :) BYEE.

Sherlock POV

John ran out of the room as I told him where the first aid box was. My arm was stinging with pain and it was bleeding on the covers of my bed. It would of been less messier if John had left me in the bathroom, but knowing John, he would want to take care if me, doing anything he could to practice being a doctor I suppose.

My arm had just about stopped bleeding when John came in. He was holding the first aid box and a few towels and other cleaning things. He threw the cleaning things to the floor and scurried over to me. He kneeled on the floor and put the box beside me on the bed. Then opened it and started pulling things out of it and placing them on the bed, some he threw towards the centre of the room. I didn't know why he was so concerned looking, it was just a few cuts, but I didn't say anything.

When he had gotten everything he needed he shuffled, still on his knees, to the middle of the room where he had left the cleaning things and grabbed a towel. He then came back over to me and placed it under my arm, making sure he didn't touch the cuts.

He grabbed a bottle of clear liquid and a flannel. He unscrewed the lid of the bottle and a strong smell of alcohol came out, he poured a small amount on the flannel and closed it. Then, he carefully started wiping my arm with it, keeping him eyes focused on my arm. The alcohol was stinging my arm but I was ignoring it, I was more concerned about John. I was moving my head around, looking at his face at different angles, trying to get his attention, but he wouldn't budge.

"John, is everything okay?" I ask him as he grabbed a bandage from beside me. He didn't say anything as he lifted my hand and begun wrapping the bandage around my wrist. "John" I called, almost sounding demanded. His face stayed the emotionless mask it was the moment he sat on his knees beside me.

I lifted the hand he wasn't dressing to his shoulder and shook him. "John!" I shouted when he didn't look up. He quickly finished with the bandage, turned away from me then grabbed the other towel and a bottle of disinfectant.

He got up and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I slightly jumped when the door closed. I got up and half ran to the bathroom door, I then banged it a few times as I shouted his name. He wouldn't say anything. After a minute or so, I gave up and went back to my bed to lay down.

I was staring at the ceiling when he finally opened the door. I quickly shot up and faced him. His hair was matted and pressed against his red face which was dappled with sweat. The sleeves of his jumper was rolled up to his elbows. He was holding a towel which seemed to be covered in my blood.

I gave up trying to talk to him and turn to face the wall, it was late enough so I decided that I would try to rest. I closed my eyes and listened to John's little feet scamper around and his sighs of frustration. My eyes where growing heavier and started to closed when I hear John sigh again.

I tilted my head over my shoulder and looked around for him. I couldn't see him, he wasn't in the bed or anywhere I could see anyway. I heard him sigh again, I searched around from where the sound came from, it was coming from the floor. I saw him on his hands and knees, scrubbing the floor with a towel. He lifted his head slightly as he shifted his eyes up to mine. It was only a second before he looked away.

I turned back to the wall and drifted off to sleep.

(Major editing) It wouldn't take a consulting detective to see that I love you.Where stories live. Discover now