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Written 27th of August 2017

Danny POV

The first week was mostly studying. I read multiple books on the ghost zone's history, a lot of them containing the same facts over and over. That was helpful though because the more I read each fact the easier it was to remember. One book, Clockwork told me that I had to read every day. I did that, but it was very difficult. Of course, it has really sped up my rate of reading. It was a self updating book containing the modern history too. Apparently it's the only one in the world and as Master of Time, Clockwork is required to guard it from the wrong hands. He has passed the book onto me so I can keep up to date. Between you me though, I think it may be because he can't be bothered with it!

In the second week he gave me more books, but these ones were about each ghost in the zone. They documented everything from date of death to their current age. There was even one about me! Well, I don't really need to read that one but regardless it's there.

For the whole of that first month, I was simply required to read. To read about ghost related things as well as the stuff I would need to know if I was still in human education. Surprisingly, I managed to learn a tremendous amount in that time but I knew that I'd need to learn more and to go through what I already knew again.

The next month Clockwork began to train me physically on the side of the reading. He had some weird drink that stopped my powers from working while he taught me. As I later learnt, it had blood blossoms in it but not enough to hurt me. Just enough to stop my powers and make me more sensitive to pain - to the blows dealt to me by Clockwork. I learnt all sorts of martial arts. However, since Clockwork knew I didn't like to kill but rather to incapacitate, we focused on Judo.

It continued this way until I had been with him for half a year. It was only then that he finally began to teach me with my powers. That meant I was being shown how to clone myself and the likes. As a halfa I was very powerful but now I'm full ghost I have more power than any ghost other than Clockwork; which is exactly why he makes the perfect tutor. It also means I can now do things I was unable to before. For example, like Clockwork, I can change my form. While he does it involuntary due to the differences in how time works for him, it is a controlled thing for me.

Again, little changed for the rest of the year. It all became different when the second year came around though. And it all started right after my 'death-day party'.

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