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I am so sorry about these updates guys, I'm literally skipping out on my homework to write this. Being smart is horrible you just get more work! Anyway, here goes!

Danny sighed. His mother was so kind in there and yet he couldn't help but feel sadness radiate off of her, like the mere thought of her son brought tears to her eyes. It had been almost two years now and yet she still mourned him. Closing his eyes sadly, he reached out with his mind. It was a shame, really that he had to erase her memory of meeting him. She didn't need anything else taken from her. With a slow blink, he dropped his hands into his pockets and began walking away. There was no chance he'd be able to find a source of income and a place to stay just yet, so he'd have to find somewhere safe enough to keep his stuff. As a ghost he didn't really need sleep. It was a novelty for him and he could use that time for better things. Like the mission. Though Clockwork hadn't told him why he needed to be here, there was clearly something he had to do. Was there going to be a powerful ghost? Or perhaps it was something more human? Maybe... oh, he was stuck for ideas! Ah well, he'd find out eventually.

Walking to towards the nearby forest, he found himself a large tree to jump into. The branches were high and while anyone could reach them, it would be very difficult to climb and the tree in the surrounding area were much better for that. Launching himself into the tree - after a quick look around for bystanders - was easy, leaving him resting on a wide branch. Immediately, he got to work. Using telekinesis, he manipulated the nearby trunk of the tree so that it had a hollow space. He placed his bag inside, taking out only the fake ID he had spent hours creating. Time to go sign up for school!

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