Doofus Rick x crosseyed!reader

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Youre walking home from work because you missed the bus... again.

You can't drive because of your eyesight or atleast, because of your eyes.
You suffered from strabismus (or crosseye) ever since you were a child. It impaired your ability to see things straight and made you incapable of driving.

Youve been made fun of for your issue all your life, so you decided to start wearing your bangs long.

Yeah, it made your vison worse, but it kept people from looking at your eyes.

You're suddenly broke from your train of thought when you heard a loud crack of thunder. The sky got dark as it began to rain.

'Oh, no no no!'

You start to pick up your pace and run. The weather man said that there was a 40% chance of rain. You should have dressed accordingly, maybe even brung an umbrella. But you did no such thing.

Now you're running through the cold rain, your bangs are beginning to cling to your face, making it much harder to see than before.

You continue to run dispite that. Not even bothering to move your soaked bangs from your eyes.

You suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ah! Sorry! I wasnt paying attention!"

"No! Its fine. I-I should have moved out of the way when I saw you coming." The stranger stammers out.

You look up at the him through your bangs and can barely make out what he looks like. All you could make out was that he was tall, has grey hair, and wearing a light blue shirt with a thin white coat on top. You apologize again and walk around the stranger only to run into a pole.

He calls out to you from behind while jogging in your direction.

"H-hey, uh, do you need any help?"

You kindly decline his offer before advancing forward, bumping into the same pole from before.

You hit your nose this time, and hold it tenderly as you try not to cry from the pain.

You feel a warm hand on your cold, wet shoulder. And look in the general direction of the stranger.

"Miss? Are you sure? I really wouldnt mind helping you."

You let out a defeated sigh.

"Yes, I'd like that, thank you."

You hook your arm onto his, he immediately stiffened up from the contact, but relaxed as you began to walk.

The walk was quiet and awkward, you could hear nothing but the pitter patter of the rain hitting the sidewalk and street.

You decide to break the silence.


You both spoke at the same time.

"Um, sorry. You go first."

"No! Its okay, i wasnt going to say anything important anyway..."

"I'm sure you were. Go ahead."

He scratches the back of his neck.

"Well, i was going to ask you what your name was."

"Oh, it's (Y/n). Whats yours?"

"(Y/n)? Thats a pretty name! Mines Rick."

"Nice to meet you Rick!"

"Oh, r-really? Er- I mean, nice to meet you too!"

The awkward silence returns. But is suddenly ended when you almost trip over yourself, almost bringing him down with you.

"I-Im sorry!"

"Its okay, that was kinda funny anyway... n-not that you falling is funny at all! Its just that I almost fell with you and-"

You giggle at his cuteness.

"Its okay Rick! Don't even worry about it."

You continue to giggle, Rick soon joins when he realizes you're not upset.

The two of you begin to talk on the way to your house. Having conversations about pretty much everything the both of you liked and disliked.

He told you about his "friends" and how they treated them because he was different from them.

You could relate, because you had some of the same issues.

You squeak and hold on to the closest thing to you, that being Rick, as a loud thunder clap rang throughout the sky as it began to rain harder. Almost hard enough to hurt. You shield yourself with your free arm and urge Rick to pick up the pace.

He stiffened up like before and started to quicken his walk. Blushing like a madman from you grabbing him for comfort from before.

After about 15 minutes of heavy rain, the weather finally decided to calm down.

The both of you are now in front of your house.

"Thank you for helping me get to my house safely." You beam.

He blushes and scratches the back of his head.

"Oh, its no problem. Thanks for being nice to me... woah, (Y/n), look! Its a rainbow!"

You noticed how his voice suddenly lit up, it must be quite a sight, but you dont want him to see your eyes. So, you pretend that you see it.

"Uhum, oohhhh its beautiful."

He turns his attention back to you, and gibes you a confused look.

"Can you see with your bangs covering your eyes? You could barely see on our way here."

You go silent.

Oh- um, I-I'm sorry! I didnt mean to-"

You sigh.

"Its fine, you're right i cant see it. But i can! If you leave..."

Rick furrows his brow in confusion.

"Huh? Oh, ok. It was nice meeting you."

He sadly waves bye as he begins to leave. He stops suddenly.

"Hey, (Y/n) if it isnt too personal may i ask-"

He stops mid sentence to view the scene that is taking place in front of him.

Your bangs are swiped to the side and your entire face is shown. Your (e/c) eyes are sparkling and bright, showing the current awe you have on your face. The rainbow really is beautiful.

Youre broken out of your trance when you sense someone looking at you.

You immediately brush ypur bangs back over your eyes and turn your head away in shame.

"Erm, i-isnt the rainbow pretty? Ha ha... so lovely..."

Rick makes his way towards you, you're still looking away.

"C-can i see your eyes again? Please...?"

"Ye-yeah... sure."

He removes your bangs from your eyes once more, and gazes into them.

"Your eyes are so... beautiful." He says while blushing, adorning a goofy smile.

"I... t-thank you."

You suddenly hug him and peck him on the cheek before running into your house in embarrassment.

Rick stands in the same place you left him, rubbing the cheek you kissed.

He bites his botton lip in giddy happiness and takes out his portal gun.

'Maybe i should visit this dimension more often'

Later that day and many days after that, you recived cards, candy, and flowers from Rick.


Up next is teacher!Rick x student!reader

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