Zero Rick x reader

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You've always hated them, no matter what they were about.

You were also very vocal about it too, especially around your "friends" as they would always head off to the nearest party or club every. single. time you decided to hang out with them.

And it would always end the same way each and every time.

You'd be waiting in the darkest and most quietest part of the building. Asking yourself why you keep doing the same thing over and over with your friends.

Each time you promise yourself that you won't go out with them again, knowing they'll to the same thing. And again they'd always find a way to get you to come with them, be it food or a band that you like.

You sigh heavily as you cross your arms.

You're in the hallway of some sort of abandoned school or factory, trying to block out the loud and awful music thats blasting throughout most of the building with your thoughts.

The music seems to have gotten louder, causing you to verture further into the old, condemned, halls of the building.

You finally find silence. Youre sure you have no idea where you are, but that doesnt matter. Its quiet and you cant hear the horrid music anymore.

A small giddy smile graces your face for a split second before returning to its regular, unimpressed look.

You lean against the wall and text a couple of your friends where you are before putting your phone back into your pocket.

An idea comes up and you began to feel the pockets of your pants, dropping your hands to your side when you realize you dont have it. That being your earbuds. If only you had them with you, you could be listening to (fave rock band) right now.

You roll your eyes at yourself and fold your arms once again.

Its quiet until you realize you can hear a slight noise coming from around the corner of the hallway you're currently in.

You decide to check it out. Just kidding, you're not stupid. But you're also not going to stick around long enough to figure out what it is.

You turn the opposite direction of the sound and go around the corner. You go straight and walk again, turning another corner. Regretting it immediately as you see what appears to be a homeless crackhead whacking his gack violently and making weird and gross noises.

The crackhead spots you and slowly makes his way to you, Choking his chicken in your direction.

You're stunned for a moment. Before returning to your senses. Once the man started to get too close, you decided to kick him where the sun dont shine. He falls to the ground groaning in pain.

He starts to spew curses and insults towad you. Youre a little nervous and shooken up in the heat of the moment.

Without thinking, you kick him square in the face as hard as you could. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

You look around before back tracking to the area you once were, only to find someone standing in the very place you were, earbuds inserted.

His eyes are closed at the moment, he probably hasn't sensed your presence yet. You take advantage of that fact to analyze the stranger.

Hes tall, and seems to gave a sort of scientist gimic going on. He has dark circles around his eyes along with a bang almost covering one of them.

You step closer to the stranger to listen to the music he has blasting in his earbuds.

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