Doofus Rick x Reader

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You hated they way Ricks treated the alternate version of themselves. That being J19 Zeta 7, or who they like to call Doofus Rick.

You've been friends with "Doofus Rick" for a few years, as he was an extremely nice pers

He invites you to meet the alternate versions of himself - as they think that you arent real or over exaggerated some loser he met on the street.

"O-ok If I show you that (Y/n) is real, will you believe me then?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever....Just get this over with.

Doofus opens a portal and enters it.

Theres an awkward silence until one of the Ricks break it. Whispering to one of his alternate selves.

"I bet he made friends with a walking turd!"

The entire room starts snickering and suppressing laughter

"I doubt iiiIITT, hes probably going to show us some - some stuffed animal or blow up doll he made."

"Shh! Shut up! He coming!"

Doofus steps back out of the portal, holding something on the other side of it. He pulls his hand along with you out of it gently.

The room goes silent.

"Hi..." Your sweet voice filling soundless room.

Everyone is staring at you. You begin to feel awkard and start to shuffle a little. Your eyes begin to water.

"I - I told you they wouldnt like me!"

You cried as you retreated to the portal.

"W-wait! (Y/n), come back!"

The crosseyed Rick gives the alternate versions of himself a stern, yet concerned glance before going after you.



The room is dead silent, then goes into utter chaos. Portals are everywhere. The room is empty.

Jealous that the "dumbest" version of Rick has something, or rather, someone, almost all of the other Ricks don't caused them to search their dimension for you.

Why should he have something that the others don't have? What makes him so special?

The encounter scarred you a little. Everytime Doofus Rick would invite you to go to the citadel with him you immediately refused, wanting to avoid the same thing happening again.

He convinced you to go with him somehow, and to your suprise, you saw several versions of yourself, although, not alot considering the fact that at least 20 Ricks are surrounding each version.


You felt a little better about going to the citadel after the visit.



Seriously tho, been doing some intense dickery lately, been lazy. I think i said this last chapter, but Miami and Salesman Rick(2) are next.

Miami is ALMOST done. I? Just lazy, ill get it done eventually...

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