Salesman Rick x reader

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"Ugh, for the hundredth time, no!"

This guy has bothering you for the past half hour.

"Hold on, i have - i have another offer you cant refuse!"

Why did this man build his shop next to the bus stop? And whats taking the bus so long?!

"Two t-shirts, a morty doll, coat and hat...

wait for it...

25% off! Only if you buy now."

You inhale and exhale deeply, trying to contain your anger. You've turned down his offers kindly before. And explained that you arent interested in buying anything right now. You even told him you didnt have any money on you!

"Thank you for the offer, but im currently not interested right now"

You say through gritted teeth.

"Okay, how about-"

"How about I put my foot in your ass?"

"You didnt let me finish- I can tell you're getting annoyed, so instead of me heckling you to buy something you dont have the money for..."

He steps closer.

"How about you give me a kiss?"

Your face becomes noticeably flushed as you turn to glare at him.

He pulls back his sleeve to reveal his watch and glances at it.

"The bus doesnt come until another half hour... you up for it?" He asks as he looks down at you with half lidded eyes accompanied with a smirk

You stop to think for a moment and glare at him once again. You begin to menacingly close the space between the two of you...

and smash your lips into his. Jumping and wrapping your thighs around his waist, causing him to stumble back into the counter of his booth.

You're roughly kissing, biting and sucking his chapped lips whilst running your fingers through his wild hair.

You put all of your anger and aggression into the assault, you dont even keep track of time.


Youre snapped back to reality as you hear the sound of the bus engine approaching.

You end the kiss with a 'pop', looking into the eyes of the once talkative salesman, now glossy and dazed, his entire face is red and *almost* lewd. Hes breathing heavily while holding on to the edge of the counter of the booth.

You remove your legs from his sides and brush yourself off. You stand in your original place and smile cheekily at the bus driver as you board the bus.

He continues to stand dazed until the brakes of the bus release and move foward. He looks around in an almost panicked state, fixing his hair and suit after seemingly calming down.

'Holy shit...'

He realizes youre on the bus. The bus is getting away.

He darts down the middle of the lane behind the bus chasing it and telling it to stop.

He pulls out a sticky note and writes something on it. Before slamming it on the window next to your seat of the bus. Its a phone number. You hear muffled yelling from behind the bus.

"Call me!"




Heres a Rick no one asked for! :D

This was a quickie. Sorry if sloppy.

I hope someone enjoys anyway. More is coming

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