Chances - Chapter 8

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Hey this is Annika (again)

I am writing all the even chapters. Ally gets to write all of the interesting chapters now it is my turn! HA! 

Don't worry Ally is love you. In the fan fiction Niall and I are dating. just for your info.

Hope you enjoy.


Annika's POV

I started throwing rocks at Ally's window. I didn't have the skills like Ally. She could climb over 10 foot high fences and even scale this tree. 

I saw her head sticking out of her window. I can tell you; she didn't look very happy. She had a scowl on her face.

"What do you want?" Ally whispered harshly.

"Niall and the boys want us to go to their studio for rehearsal. You want to come with?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll be down in like, 20 minutes." Ally said, withdrawing her head from the window.

I waited for about 10 minutes, then I got bored. So, this is what happens when you're bored. I now know what Ally was talking about yesterday.

I pulled out my novel and started reading. I always have a novel to read for occasions like this.

I was still reading "The Serpent's Shadow", but again, I was interrupted. I felt my book being torn from my hands, and thrown over someone's shoulder.

Niall was laughing hysterically in front of me, while Harry caught the book and began reading.


"Nothing, love. You're reading, when we asked you to wait for Ally. Being lazy is not on One Direction's check list." Niall explained, still laughing.

I got up and punched Niall in the chest, "You call that being LAZY! You eat all day, and Harry sleeps while making music videos!"

"OW! What was that for?" Niall protested with a pained expression on his face.

"YOU said that it was fine if I read. It's one of my favorite hobbies. So can you quit pulling my book away?" I asked pulling my book out of Harry's hands.

Some of the pages were bent and dirty due to Niall throwing my book. I wanted to cry, but I heard Ally climbing down the tree.

"Hey, what's up?" Ally asked.

"Niall threw my book." I said starting to feel tears build up.

"Aw. Now you can stop reading and let's hit the road!" Ally said.

I reluctantly climbed into the limo and cleaned off the dirt from the pages. Niall sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged his arm off and returned to cleaning the pages.

"I really am sorry, love" Niall said softly.

I looked up at him. "Apology accepted." He flashed me a toothy grin,  and I felt myself blush.

We arrived at the studio. It was massive. There was sound-proof foam and microphones with sound-proof chambers. They even had a book on how everything works!

I quickly grabbed the book and flipped to the table of contents. Niall once again pulled the book away from be and put it back on the shelf.

"No reading. We have to rehearse, so you girls can just listen." Niall scolded.

"Niall, you are great with the ladies." A new voice said.

"Yeah. This is Annika and Ally. Guys, this is Jason. He's the one who works the magic in the studio." Niall explained.

"Nice to meet you. Here is your book young lady. You might need something to read; they will be in there for about 2 and a half hours. They have a break after the first hour. Now boys,go to rehearsal." Jason said, handing me the book.

I smiled triumphantly at Niall, who just turned right around and followed the rest of the boys.

"So, What did your mom say when she learned that Niall was your boyfriend?" Ally whispered in my ear, obviously trying to keep it a secret.

"Well, when Niall woke me up last night, my mom asked right when I had a moment alone with her. She wasn't mad at all. She got home last night right as I was saying goodbye to the boys. My mom said, 'Annika you're growing up. I just hope Niall won't break your heart. I'm so happy for you." Then, she went to bed." I replied softly.

Ally just laughed. I turned my attention back to my book, and Ally fell asleep.

When the hour was over, Niall appeared at my side, along with Harry and Zayn. Louis, however, walked over to Ally and gently shook her awake. I always wondered if Louis actually likes Ally. They would make such a cute couple.

"So, where do you want to go? I'm hungry." Niall announced.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a family size bag of potato chips. Niall grabbed the bag and mumbled a quick thank you before opening it.

"Yeah, you're welcome." I said in a annoyed tone.

The boys rehearsal lasted forever. When they came back out, it was already 5:30. Me and Ally got into the limo. Niall sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder as usual, and Louis sat next to Ally.

Now what were we going to do?

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