Chances - Chapter 24

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Hey sorry about the late update. Had a lot of Homework.

We are writing a sequel to this but I am not telling when it is coming out and what it is about.



Annika's POV

I was sitting in a familiar living room, watching T.V., when I heard Ally was in a car accident. I picked up my phone and dialed Niall's number, while running out the door.


"Yeah, I know, calm down. I'll be there in 10." Niall said, hanging up.

I waited for about 7 minutes, before a familiar limo drove into view. Niall quickly opened the door and I ran in. Lou was rocking back and forth in the back seat while Harry was patting his back soothingly. Zayn was sitting next to Liam, who was still watching the news for the latest updates on Ally's situation.

"What happened?" Zayn asked.

"I told Ally her bike was back, and she just took off. All this is my fault! If I never told her that her stupid bike was found, she wouldn't be in this state!" I screamed, and Niall picked my up gently and placed me on his lap. He wrapped his arm around me, and I started crying into his shoulder.

"Shh. It's going to be fine. The news reporter said that she was alive, but unconscious. She should be in the nearest hospital. They should know that One Direction would be coming." Niall said soothingly.

I slowly nodded my head, but kept it buried in Niall shoulder. I heard a lot of footsteps stepping out of the limo, and lifted my head. We were at the hospital.

"Niall, we're here." Liam said, shaking me and Niall gently.

"Okay." Niall said, taking me by the hand and leading me to the front doors.

Inside the hospital was a mess; people had white lad coats on and were running back and forth, while others had a greenish blue jackets on, and were meeting the sick's needs.

I instantly felt sick to my stomach when I thought that Ally was being tended to by these people. [Please don't take this the wrong way but even in reality I feel sick looking at sick patents]

"Oh my gosh, it's One Direction, mom!" A little girl screamed. She must have been around 10 years old, but she had a long gash on her forehead. I felt bad for her, she was so young and yet she still had to endure the cruelty that the world has to offer.

"Can anyone take me to the room in which Ally McRay is in?" I asked the nurse that was rushing past.

"She should be on the third floor, second door on your right." The nurse replied, and the boys and I ran straight into the elevator that was already starting to leave. Seconds really counted right now.

We ran down the corridor until we reached yet another information desk. She pointed us down another corridor, and we reached it just when 2 doctors were coming out of the room that Ally was in.

"ALLY!" I screamed, running past the doctors. They quickly grabbed both of my arms and lifted me up in the air. High.

I thrashed around, and managed to kick one in the face. He let me drop, but the other still had an iron grip on my left arm. It really hurt, but I managed to finally struggle free.

I ran straight through the doors, and managed to let out a slight gasp. I had to look away, she was pale and was hooked up to a life support.


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