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Thomas Jefferson was not one to admit that he was still scared.

He was still scared of many things. Loud noises. Certain shades of blue. Saturday nights, to name a few. He was scared of talking about the shooting (of course, that's what everyone always wanted to talk about. Martha was gone, okay? And James Madison was alive. End of story.) At least James seemed to understand. Thomas doubted he liked talking about it either. Maybe that's why Thomas stayed friends with him.

Not that James was a bad person. It's just that he seemed to have some sort of hero-worship thing going on for Thomas, (more than the others, at least) and at first, the last thing Thomas had wanted was attention. He had been barely holding it together after he was released from the hospitals, plagued by nightmares and anxiety (because God, he didn't think it could happen again). But then, he realized that hiding behind his new popularity was easier, and he flourished under this crutch of carelessness.

When asked about why he had jumped in front of the bullet to save Madison, Thomas simply replied, "Because I couldn't let it happen again."

Many people thought Alexander Hamilton was a jerk.

The truth was, they were probably right.

Alexander Hamilton, that one obscure nerd that was argumentative and prickly and the one person on Earth who didn't seem to grovel at Thomas Jefferson's feet. That one immigrant who worked at Starbucks and couldn't seem to spell anyone's name right when he handed them their order. That one student who Professor Washington adored (and nobody could understand why).

Alex didn't let any of this bother him. He figured, if I can get above college, get a real job, and make a name for myself, who cares about what these people think of me? A hundred years from now, nobody will care that I was unpopular in college, they'll care that I made a difference and changed the world for the better. Alex just had to get through college first.

John Laurens decided that he couldn't quite find the right word to express himself (is there a word for ecstatic but also completely terrified?). After all these years, he was finally struggling to college. He had gotten the scholarship. His small town, surrounded by poverty, had managed to pool their money so he could afford going. When he told his parents, his father had burst into tears, and his mother looked so proud she could burst, affectionately telling him that she had always known he could do it.

It was when he had gotten on the airplane, alone and nervous, that it smacked John in the face. He was leaving. He was leaving everything he had ever known, ever. His family, his town, his school, everything. He had turned around with half a mind to run back into his parents' arms when the kind lady in the plane asked him if he was having trouble finding his seat. Blushing, he mumbled a short sorry and that was it. He sat down and left behind everything he knew.

How would this new community accept him? Would they let him be who he was? His parents had warned him it was different in bigger cities. As John watched the clouds surround him, he decided he would find out soon.

Gilbert Lafayette decided his life was perfect. Absolutely perfect. He was going to America for his next years of college. He already had several people interested in interviewing him for jobs. And finally, finally, he was going to see Adrienne again, after a year of waiting.

Everyone attracted to Lafayette instantly. There was something about him that people just liked. He wasn't worshipped, like that Jefferson, but he was friendly and accepting to everyone, and in return they welcomed him and accepted him back. He didn't have any close friends, but when he had so many fair weather acquaintances (plus his amazing girlfriend and that new kid he was going to share a dorm with) did he really need a close group? Lafayette decided no, he would be fine.

Adrienne and her father had awaited him at the airport, even though his flight got in at around 4 in the morning. He vaguely remembered letting out a sob of joy as Adrienne dashed into his arms and he clutched her to his chest, vowing to never let her go again. Some relationships shattered when they spent too much time away, but for Lafayette and Adrienne, it seemed that absence made the heart grow fonder. They had been dating for years, since their sophomore year in high school, and had been best friends years before that. Now that Adrienne was with him, Lafayette thought as her father drove them to their apartment and Adrienne cuddled with Lafayette in the backseat, what could wrong?

So hey guys! This is Golden writing this fic (by myself)  it's obviously Hamilton because why not  I'll try to update ASAP and often! Golden out!

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