Chapter 3

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John glanced up as the door swung open. A college student stepped in, glancing around until his gaze fell on John.

"Oh! Hi!" John said quickly. "I'm John Laurens. Your roommate."

Tall. Built; he probably works out. Hair is curly, long enough to fit into his short ponytail. Dark skin, nimble fingers. Won't sit still. Fingers drumming against his leg. Calloused. He works hard, then. Mechanic, maybe.

"Hello, my name is-" the man hesitated. "Well, you can call me Lafayette."

Wow, very French. Accent is thick, but understandable. Probably only came from France this year or last, otherwise it might have lost a bit of its edge.

"Lafayette, good to meet you." John replied with a smile.

"I brought my stuff, I hope you don't mind-"

"We're sharing a room, of course that's fine!" John laughed. A little bit shy. Ready to be stepped on, letting himself take the blame,that sort of person. Unless, of course he was just being nice.

"Sorry, I don't have a car," Lafayette said as he unpacked his luggage. "I've been using my girlfriend's. Who, by the way, may be here often, I hope you don't-"

"Hey, it's fine!" John grinned. Yes, more of apologetic, just wanting to get along. Kind, though. Could be wishy-washy. We'll have to see.


"I can't believe you two." Washington's voice was low, disappointed, angry. He watched them both from behind his desk.

Alex shifted slightly in his seat, gingerly touching his face. He didn't think his nose was broken, thank goodness. He could feel his eye bruising underneath his fingers and he cringed. Thomas was wheezing out each breath, and Alex felt a flash of guilt, but it quickly dissipated when he remembered what Thomas had said. He has no right to talk about my mom that way.

"You-" Washington jabbed a finger at Thomas, who flinched back slightly. "-purposely provoked Alex into attacking you, something you had no right to do, and you-" he swung his gaze to Alex, "-attacked him right after I hauled him off your lousy--" Washington stopped himself. "Right after I saved you from fighting a losing battle!"

"I wasn't losing," Alex muttered sulkily. Thomas scoffed.

"I'm very disappointed in both of you. On the first day of school, honestly."

"Sorry," Thomas rasped.

"Sorry," Alex repeated unhappily.

"Both of you go back to your dorm. If I get a report that you're fighting in your room, then I might have to suspend you. Goodnight."

Thomas and Alex stood up and walked out, trying not to be suspiciously quick. They said nothing to each other as they trudged down the stairs. Before walking out the door, Alex stopped with a groan.

"What is it?" Thomas growled. "I swear, if I have to spend one more second with you, I might-"

"We have to drive together," Alex said flatly. "You didn't bring your car."

"I'll walk, thanks," Thomas sneered.

"No, you won't," Alex moaned. "You look one solid hit from collapsing and if you don't make it back to our dorm, Washington will kill me."

"Now I really want to walk."

"Just get in my car, Jefferson."


"So, see, if you drop the exponent by-"

"Oh, oui. Thank you," Lafayette grinned.

John and Lafayette were laying on their stomachs on John's bed, working together on their math. John wasn't labeling themselves as friends quite yet-- but they were quickly on their way. Lafayette had already shyly asked if he could write John down as one of his emergency contacts.

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