Chapter 6

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UGGHHHH sorry for not updating in a while. Still, i finally got around to it, so here u go

 The burning days of summer melted into the colorful, shorter moments of autumn. These were the sort of days that children liked to rake leaves and jump into them with squeals of delight, or couples like to take long walks in the park together. Or, if you were Alexander Hamilton, these were the days you sat up in your stuffy dorm, multitasking between intense studying and yelling insults at your roommate.

"IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC, DO IT WHERE I CAN'T HEAR IT!" Alex screamed at Thomas, his glasses dangerously low on his nose.


"Language!" Lafayette interrupted from his wheelchair, watching with mild interest as John helped him fix his computer.

"I AM TRYING TO STUDY FOR A TEST!" Alex snarled, his face dangerously close to Thomas'. "DO YOU WANT ME TO FAIL?"


"Okay, girls, you're both pretty," John sighed wearily, finally deciding to intervene. "Now how about we calm down and sort this out peacefully?"

"Oh, we'll be peaceful!" Alex spat, nostrils flaring. "When Thomas gets the hell-"

Lafayette glared from across the room and Alex stopped himself with a sigh. "When Thomas gets lost with his music and leaves me in sacred silence so I can study!"

"You should be thanking me!" Thomas sniffed haughtily. "Music increases IQ or something."

"Classical music, maybe! Not that washed-up, screeching trash you listen to! And I'm sure you had my well being in mind when you decided to blare it at the loudest volume!"

"How about this," John stepped in between the two men. Thomas' chest was heaving and Alex's glasses askew. "Alex comes back with me and Laf to our room, and leave Thomas in peace with his music?"

"So you want to relocate me for being innocent and trying to study?" Alex looked offended.

"No, I'm trying to reach a nice middle for you two so you can stop arguing and give Laf and I some deserved silence from the two of you yammering at who knows what!" John growled, his eyes flashing.

"I'm not the one who decided to share his trash music with the entire world!"

"It's never your fault, is it?" Thomas retorted.

"You know what?" John said after taking a deep, controlling breath in through the nose. "Laf and I are going on a walk. Have fun sorting yourselves out. If I get back and one of you is injured in any way, so help me, I will make sure neither of you sees the outside for at least week!" And with that, John grabbed Laf's wheelchair and stormed out.


"In F-France, it gets very-very c-cool," Lafayette explained, "but-but the spring c-comes early."

"Is it nice there?" John had never been.

"Most of the time. In Paris, it-it is always-always-always-al-"

Slow down. You can say it. Un. Deux. Trois. Quatre-

"Always b-busy and c-crowded with tour-ists. I always pre-preferred stay-staying at Auvergne."

John walked in silence for a moment, quietly pushing Lafs wheelchair. "Do you miss France?"

"S-sometimes," Lafayette admitted. "B-but I had f-fallen in lo-love, no? And I once I c-came for A-Adrienne, I fell in l-love with la terre de la libre."

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