Chapter 10

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All right guys, we made it! Last chapter! It's really short, sorry.

Lafayette got the call at 2:30 in the morning.

He grabbed his shoes and dashed out the door, heart hammering, eyes blurring as he took the car and made his way to the hospital as fast as possible.

He burst into the building, not stopping at the receptionist desk.

He stumbled into Adrienne's room.

He took one look at the the doctors' defeated faces.

Lafayette didn't even hear their diagnosis. He let himself fall into the chair by her bedside and the doctors gave them a moment alone.

"What did they say?" Adrienne asked in slurred French.

"That you won't make it," Lafayette replied softly.

Adrienne just nodded. Not surprised. She reached out and took his hind in her smaller, weaker one.

They sat. They waited. Adrienne whispered how much she loved him.

Beep. ......Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeep...

The doctors rushed into the room. Lafayette let himself be ushered outside. Numb. Unfeeling.

He didn't know how long he stayed there. Eventually, they let him back in. Shook their heads. Told them the time of death. Lafayette nodded.


Texted his friends.

Lafayette: She's gone. Brain trauma. Something like that.

TJeff: Laf, I'm... so sorry. I know how it feels.

TheTurtle: God, Laf, I can't even begin... I'm just so sorry. I know you're going to be hearing that a lot.

Alex: Meet us at Starbucks in 10 minutes

Lafayette did.

Alex embraced him the second he got there, wrapping his arms around him and clutching him tightly. And finally, Lafayette felt a tear slip down his cheek as he gripped Alex back.

The four of them chose an outdoor table. Alex bought them drinks. They sit in the early morning sun, silent.

They were all broken. They all had feelings. They all leaned on each other. Even when the times got rough, they were there. And they will be. They were not perfect. They were all living proof of imperfection. But as long as they had each other, they'd make it through. 

UGHHHH ITS SO CHEESY sorry. I really hope you like (and i can't believe I have 100+ reads!) Just wanna let you know, I am most definitely planning a sequel, but I do not know when it's gonna be up. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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