Chapter 8

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Guys, I am so sorry this took so long. I've been really busy. So here's Chapter 8, hope you like it! ALSO apparently it doubled so i feel really horrible about that!!!!! I fixed it so I hope you guys are less confused.Sorry again

It was one of Laf's bad days.

He had woken up with a thick tongue and a screaming headache that made want to curl back into bed and sink back into sleep. It was the weekend, so he could've, but the pain was too intense for him to relax. He let out a moan muffled by his pillow and tried to close his eyes again, but the darkness started spinning and made everything ten times worse. John was grabbing a t-shirt from his dresser, and while he wasn't trying to be loud, Lafayette heard every noise like John was slamming the drawers.

Letting out a soft whimper, Laf kicked the sheets off as an unexpected wave of heat flooded him. Soon, sweat soaked through his thin night shirt and into the sheets. Laf had nearly gathered enough energy to pull his shirt off when chills spread up his back and across his body, and he started shivering uncontrollably.

"Woah there, take it easy, Laf." John's voice ripped through the Frenchman's head like thunder, and he bit back a noise and shrunk away from John's outstretched hand.

"I'm just trying to feel your forehead. Laf, you're burning up, man."

"M-Migraine," Laf mumbled quietly. His stomach clenched as the world around him spun again.

"Again? All right. I'll let Thomas and Alex know to keep it down. Or, just Alex, because Thomas is spending the night at James' house."

Laf nodded without really listening. He let John pull away and vaguely heard a brief conversation between the freckled man and Alex.

"Hey, Alex and I have are gonna go shopping for Gatorade and chicken noodle soup, 'kay? We'll try to be quick. If you need anything, call us," John whispered when he came back.

Lafayette nodded again, not trusting his mouth to open without puking.

He wasn't sure how long they had been gone when the headache got worse. He doubled over in his bed, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.

He wasn't going to be okay this time. He was going to die. He wasn't going to-

He was going to be sick.

He launched out of the bed but fell to his knees halfway to the bathroom. He barely had anything in his stomach, but what he did made an appearance on the floor as he retched and heaved painfully.


Thomas' eyes were still crusted with sleep as he stumbled up the dormitory stairs. He was feeling better now, but he still cringed as he imagined having to face his friends. He had whined and tried to persuade James to let him stay, but his friend had sternly but not unkindly reprimanded Thomas for not having told them in the first place. After a warm breakfast and a quick hug Thomas had been kicked out.

Whatever he had been expecting when he opened the dorm door, it had not been this.

John was pacing by a closed bathroom door, Lafayette was nowhere to be seen, and Alex promptly grabbed Thomas and pulled him inside, yelling "Finally! We really need your help!"

"Wha-" Thomas spluttered.

"Laf got another migraine. A bad one," John explained. "He's been retching for the last half hour and won't let us into the bathroom. If we're honest, we have no clue what to do. I figured you probably have more experience, being friends with James."

Thomas ignored the way John closely watched his expression at the last sentence.

"Also, he threw up in his dorm and there's no way I'm going to clean that," Alex piped up.

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