Chapter 7

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"Hey girls," Thomas drawled lazily as Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy strolled past the four roommates in the park. Alex choked back a snort as Thomas flexed for them, and the Schuyler Sisters gave him a disgusted look. Or, rather, Angelica and Elize gave him a disgusted look. Peggy giggled and waved back excitedly, only to be dragged along by her protective sisters.

It had been about two months since the car crash, and Lafayette's legs had come out of their casts. His thigh was still tightly wrapped and bound, and Laf still couldn't walk very well, but he happily enjoyed his iced latte (courtesy of Alex) with his friends anyways. He couldn't resist being bitterly disappointed by the doctor's refusal to take his arm out of its cast as well, but he didn't let it keep him down. He was healing, and even if he was healing slowly, it was good enough for him.

"So what's with you and Angelica?" Thomas inquired.

Alex rolled his eyes, his tongue searching for his straw. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Thomas sighed dramatically, "why did you break up?"

"If I knew, I still wouldn't tell you," Alex retorted hotly. Laf and John decided to stay out of it.

Thomas snorted. "'It's me, not you'?"

Alex shot him a glare. "No... that's not what she said."

"So what did she say?"

"It's none of your business!"

"And then you guys broke up?"

"Wha- no! Ugh, never mind," Alex grumbled, making Thomas chuckle.

"Still..." Thomas continued, pressing the matter. "You break up with Angelica, and then you grab her sister?"

John choked on his drink. "What?"

"Keep Eliza out of this," Alex growled coldly.

"You're dating Eliza?!" John gasped.

"Oooooh, you didn't tell Laurens?" Thomas was trying (and failing) to hide his look of glee. "How upsetting."

"I just never got around to it." Alex shrugged uncomfortably. "Besides, it wasn't a big deal. She was the one who asked me out. Said Angelica was okay with it."

"You're dating Eliza?" John repeated, still in shock.

"Yeah? Why is this such big news?" Alex questioned.

"I just..." John struggled for words, wondering why he felt betrayed. "I don't know. Though you might take a break."

"Um. Okay?" Alex gave him a weird look.

"Don't feel too bad, John," Lafayette said cheerfully. "If we're telling about disappointments in life anyways, might as well bring up the time I danced with the queen of France!"

Thomas's double take was so big he nearly snapped his neck. "WHAT?!"

And then Lafayette was off, telling all about the fateful ball and how he was barely 15 years old and tripping over himself, and while Thomas and Alex roared in laughter, John just smiled as he attempted to sort out his feelings. He shouldn't be feeling like this-- Alex and him were just friends! He could date whoever he wanted! John shouldn't care-- so why did he?


It's funny how one little detail can change everything. For example, if the window in Thomas' class had been closed, he wouldn't have heard the noise, and Laf wouldn't know about Thomas' story, and Alex wouldn't know about Thomas' weakness.

It had been a good day so far. Thomas only had one more class: History with Alex, Laf and John. James wasn't with him, and Thomas realized with a flash of guilt that he hadn't been hanging around James as often any more. He made a mental note to invite James over some time as he put a book back on the shelf. Then, somewhere outside, somebody's car backfired.

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