Chapter 1

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    "No, sir, you don't understand!" Alex protested. "I cannot share a dorm with Thomas Jefferson."

"Alexander, we've gone over this several times." George Washington rubbed his forehead wearily, obviously trying to keep his temper. "I can't just change the dorm plans because one kid doesn't like his roommate."

"We loathe each other," Alex moaned. "You know we do! Last year we-"

"Last year was last year," Washington replied sternly. "You two are sophomores now. Grow up a little bit, Alex. I suggest you give this advice to Mr. Jefferson as well. Good afternoon."

"But sir-" Alex argued, but to no avail. He had obviously been dismissed. Washington ushered him out and closed the door behind him.

Alexander Hamilton groaned in defeat. Out of all the students, Thomas Jefferson had to be his new roommate.

Feeling childish as he dragged his feet down the sidewalk, Alex straightened and decided sulking wouldn't help. Checking his watch and realizing he had half an hour until it was time for his shift, Alex unlocked his bike and started the short ride to his dormitory, wishing with all his might that Thomas wasn't home.

He was.

Refusing to acknowledge him as Alex walked in the door, Thomas didn't look up from his phone as he slowly chewed his gum with his mouth open. Alex took a deep breath in through the nose and clenched his teeth as he pulled off his shirt and rummaged through his drawer for a plain black shirt.

"Hello to you too," Thomas muttered.

Alex closed his eyes as his hands twitched, resisting the urge to throttle Thomas, turned around. "You didn't greet me first."

Thomas heaved a sigh, then replied in his southern drawl, "Are we really going to argue on who should've greeted who?"

Alex wanted to. He could've argued about anything to Thomas. But he couldn't be late for his job, so with a great act of self-control Alex turned away and slid into his new shirt.

"You going to be home this evening?" Thomas asked as he continued texting whoever he was texting (probably James, the second most aggravating person on Earth). Alex shrugged, not really caring to tell Thomas anything.

"Why do you care?" Alex muttered as he searched for a pair of khakis, unable to let a note of suspicion creep into his voice.

Thomas sighed (that must've been at least the hundredth time in the last minute and Alex wanted to shove something down his throat). "I don't. But I'm having James over and I don't want your loud opinion as we try to work on our summer project together."

Alex curled his lips into a sneer, wanting to spit a comeback at him but deciding not to waste his breath. He grabbed his phone from his old pair of shorts and turned it on silent. "As a matter of fact, I won't be home. But now I might consider cancelling my date just so I can kindly offer my suggestions and advice that you two so desperately need." So much for keeping his mouth shut.

"A date?" Thomas scoffed. "With who, Angelica? She doesn't even like you, man."

"We've been dating for months now, Thomas," Alex retorted icily. "If she didn't like me, she would tell me. She's not exactly the type to keep quiet. You're just je-"

"I swear, if you say I'm jealous, I might actually kill you."

"Whatever," Alex muttered, grabbing his car keys. "Have fun hanging out with your loser friend."

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